– He fears many wounds will open again – NRK Vestland

– He fears many wounds will open again – NRK Vestland

On September 20, 2021, a man walked To attack two people with a knife In the Nav Årstad office building in Bergen.

Marian Amundsen, 57, and Ida Olin, 39, sat in a user chat with the accused man.

He then attacked the two, and Amundsen died shortly after being stabbed 47 times.

Olin sustained minor injuries after being stabbed.

The office has more than 200 employees, and many colleagues witnessed the incident.

Staff received crisis help from psychologists after the accident, and have received close follow-up over the past year.

ZEWOVjzKW7c.  Flowers outside Nav Årstad

Flowers outside Nav Årstad after the murder.

Photo: Marit Humidal/NTP

The trial begins Monday in Hordaland County Court, and there are about 30 people on the witness list.

In the courtroom, four places are reserved for Navy personnel who will support witnesses and colleagues during the trial.

– The entire office is affected. Some will stand in court and testify. This support from colleagues will be invaluable, Johansen says.

– violently refuses

Many employees will have a hard time during the trial, according to Bergen Municipal Manager Tommy Johansen.

The municipality has its own contingency plan to support crises that may become necessary.

– We have a whole range of feelings. There are those who see the trial as a necessity and something that must be abandoned. Others find that what they have managed to remediate has been torn apart again. Johansen says they are very hesitant.

Tommy Johansson is the mayor of the municipality of Bergen

Tommy Johansson is the mayor of the municipality of Bergen. He will be present to support Nav employees in the municipality.

Photo: Julianne Bråten Mossing / NRK

On the dock is a 40-year-old man who previously suffered from mental illness. He is accused of murder and grievous bodily harm.

The prosecution initially believed that the man was crazy and could not be punished.

But the indictment was upheld soon changedAnd the prosecution is now in favor of a prison sentence.

The defendant believes he was mentally ill at the time of the crime, says defense attorney Morten Grimstad.

– I felt opposition from Nav

His mind must be directed toward the navigation system. According to Grimstad, he felt he lacked the money to live.

The man must have felt opposition and rejection by the navigation system. According to the defender, the motivation had nothing to do with specific case managers.

Raid on the mountains

The suspect’s apartment was searched after the attack.

Photo: Sissel Rikheim/NRK

– He felt he was not helped, and he felt that he was only opposed by Nav, says Grimstad.

Mayor Johansen does not want to comment on allegations that the man was not helped.

We anticipate that these are the circumstances that will be highlighted during criminal proceedings. We do not wish to comment on this until the issue is dealt with in the legal system, he said.

Defends Morten Grimstad in Marine Murder Case

The question of rationality will be central during the trial. Defense attorney Morten Grimstad believes that the accused was ill at the time of the crime.

Photo: Leif Rune Løland / NRK

Higher level of security in maritime offices

After the accident, several actions were taken to do so Meetings with users is safer for employees.

Security level will be Top in many Navy offices during the same experience.

Adjustments will also be made so that Nav Årstad can perform normal operations during the trial while staff can continue with it.

Employees work in both the municipality and the state.

Nav Bergenhus opens after the attack on Nav Årstad

Nav Bergenhus opened after the attack on Nav Årstad. Then there were tight security measures.

Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / NRK

– There are many lawsuits organizations. We’re widely available, and we also have a professional device on standby that takes into account that there will be different needs for those retrieving the accident, Johansen says.

May Brett Lovek is a paralegal attorney for the missing and the woman injured during the attack.

“The serious scale of the case and its conclusion, of course, make it very difficult for the victim and survivors to pursue the case in district court,” Lovik says before the trial.

Hub Årstad

Nav Årstad has implemented several security measures during meetings with users. Here is a chair chained to the wall.

Photo: Lidvard Sandven/NRK

Psychologist: – A room to feel insecure

Psychologist Heidi Wittrup Djob says there should be room for Navy personnel to feel insecure about their jobs.

I have worked with many people who have gone through crises. She says the trial could be difficult for the entire maritime organization.

Psychologist Heidi Wittrup Dib

The trial can be difficult for many employees, says Heidi Wittrup Djob, a psychologist in crisis psychology.

Photo: Natasha Bossell/Fana Photo Studio

Different employees will have different needs now and in the future. There must be room for response and grief. Djob says there should also be room to categorize the insecurity and uneasiness you feel when it comes again.


NRK is closely following the trial after the Navy attack. We are always interested in advice or input regarding the matter. Please communicate!

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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