“Here Microsoft Windows 10 Pirates”

“Here Microsoft Windows 10 Pirates”

Finally it happened: Microsoft pirated its own software for a customer.

Spend thousands on Windows 10

It’s @TCNOco on Twitter who reports that it all started when a Windows 10 key purchased from the Windows Store didn’t work. After the concerned person contacted the first level of Windows support, the matter was escalated.

And that’s when it started to get fun. Because the person on the other side did something very special per TCNO/TroubleChute: they used pirated software to force the activation of the operating system, which the customer spent NOK 2000 on “several years ago”.

“activator key hacked”

The developer of the hack has confirmed himself that the software is illegal, and that this is the second time the person has heard of Microsoft using pirated software to make it easier for all parties after a fresh install.

I can not believe that. My official Microsoft Store Windows 10 Pro key couldn’t be activated and support couldn’t help me yesterday. Today the issue escalated. Official Microsoft support (not a scam) logged in with Quick Assist and ran a command to activate Windows.

Bridge, it’s a breakthrough!


It’s funny that the customer doesn’t want to be a pirate, but at the end of the day Microsoft has to be a pirate for practical reasons.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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