-I like to have room for difference

-I like to have room for difference


Master’s student Camila Torvik Tun (H) believes that local politicians improve by discussing issues and getting multiple perspectives on them. She herself doesn’t quite share Hoyer’s view on urban development.

Camila Torvik Ton is a project manager and holds a master’s degree in management.

– Why did you choose to engage in partisan political work?


Selection interview

  • Before the municipal and county council elections on September 11, we interviewed people connected to academia about their political involvement and why they ran for election.
  • Today: Camila Torvik Tone, studying MSc Management at BI School of Economics.
  • Tønne is ranked eighth on the Stavanger Høyre election list.

– Hmm. I am socially involved and keen to contribute. I have had the opportunity to run as a Conservative Party candidate, and I see it as an excellent opportunity to learn more about democratic processes and contribute my experience to local politics.

-What academic subject are you passionate about?

– Among other things, I am concerned that research and knowledge should be available to most people. Knowledge creates commitment, which in turn creates action. We have two major challenges to be solved by and with people: the climate/environmental crisis and major demographic changes in population.

— What education policy issues should be addressed in local politics?

We must make the teaching profession attractive. Teachers are a very important part of raising our children. Something has happened to the Norwegian School. School administrators and teachers are sounding warnings, and it’s time to listen. We also need to understand what is happening to boys at school, and be able to adapt teaching to suit everyone. Maybe we need to look at other ways of learning and offer other electives?

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– Which party has the best education and research policy? Why?

– True, of course. The Conservative Party values ​​knowledge and governs by it, not ideology. This means that we recognize the importance of education and research in all fields.

-Do you benefit from your academic background in politics?

– Absolutely! My education and knowledge are highly valued.

-Is there something you disagree with your party about?

– Yes, that’s for sure. And one of the things I love about the right is that there is room for disagreement. I think we become better politicians by discussing and getting more views on things internally also in the party. For example, urban development is a topic on which I may not agree with everything that is decided, neither with the Conservative Party nor with the current majority.

– What do you like most about being a political activist?

– Learn and understand how and why decisions are made the way they are. I Why-Someone who likes to understand. Through politics, I can calm many people down WhyAnd I can contribute to democratic processes, which we hope will be good.

-Do you speak like a politician or academic when you meet voters?

– Maybe I don’t define myself as a politician yet, so the answer must be academic?

– What is the difference between the language of academics and politicians?

– Hehe, maybe there are similarities where it can sometimes be difficult to understand both parts?

– What can academics learn from politics?

– Can you ask me about this again in a year? Right now, I’m so new that I don’t have a good answer for this.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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