IKEA – Testing a new concept

IKEA – Testing a new concept

Large quantities of usable Ikea furniture are turned over as waste or reuse each year. According to a previous survey by the same chain, 73 percent of the furniture delivered was in such good condition that it could have been sold at an IKEA thrift store.

Meanwhile, 10 percent of products remain unused in their packaging, according to the furniture giant.

Now, in collaboration with the municipality of Oslo, they have created a separate container dedicated to Ikea furniture at the Haraldrud recycling station, as reported in a press release.

Delivery: Here you can deliver IKEA furniture.  Photo: IKEA

Delivery: Here you can deliver IKEA furniture. Photo: IKEA
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The goal is to learn more and see what can be done with products that get out of the products life cycle too soon, according to the chain.

The container was extinguished at the end of July, and according to the chain, half of the furniture delivered ended up in an Ikea second-hand store in Oslo.

– We are very happy to cooperate. It is important to have producers who are willing to take responsibility for what they make and sell. This project will give us a lot of insight and experience, while also giving us insight into how IKEA works with circular solutions, says Gitte Grønner, reuse coordinator at the Oslo municipality’s renovation and recycling agency.

The Container is a pilot project that will initially run through December.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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