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– Love it – NRK Sport – Sports news, scores and broadcast schedule

Who is the person you would most like to draw on your body? For the big German fan Andreas Meinecke, the choice fell on Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold.

– DrHe’s completely crazy. You have to meet him, says Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold to NRK.

NRK was able to track down the biggest fan of the Norwegian biathlon team at the Hochfilzen stadium in Austria.

His name is Andreas Meinecke, and he’s a 61-year-old electrician from Germany, and thus he has an image of Tandrevold tattooed on one arm.

“It’s completely fresh, only a week old,” he says.

– Why did you get Ingrid’s tattoo?

-I love her, she’s a great performer.

Andreas Meinecke

Super Fan: Meineke is very fond of biathlon and especially follows the Norwegian team closely.

Photo: Hans Andreas Solbakken/NRK

Unfortunately for Meinecke, Tandrevold forfeited the win after a loading jam on the last shot at the start of the hunt on Saturday. Sweden’s Elvira Öberg escaped with victory in Hochfilzen, Austria, while Tandrevold came in third.

-What should one do?

Naturally, Tandrevold was a little shocked to see herself immortalized in ink on the German’s body.

You’ll be a little surprised then. That’s a nice compliment from you. This will last a lifetime, and he has clearly thought this decision through carefully. But I don’t know if I should say thank you? What should one do? asks the 27-year-old.

Miniki He was on vacation in Oslo this summer and took a photo of Tandrevold during a training session. The idea of ​​tattooing came up and shortly before he stopped by a tattoo artist.

Before, he has three tattoos of his favorite Terrell Eickhoff on his chest and upper arm, and one of Italian Dorothea Ferrer.

Terrell Eickhoff tattoo

Who is this?: Yes, Terrell Eickhoff.

I will never forget Ingrid’s eyes when she saw the tattoo. She ran to the trainers and came back to take a picture. You can’t get more of a fan, it’s for life. Now it is nice to have it tattooed on the skin, he says and says that Norway is the favorite team.

Biathlon is a sport that is very popular among spectators and brings together thousands of people across Europe. Meineke is one of those ardent supporters.

I don’t have a tattoo anyway, and I don’t think I’ll ever get an Andreas tattoo Miniki On the arm. It really is “Next level,” Tandrevold smiles and continues:

That’s what I think is bad about biathlon then. There are a lot of people who travel with us and encourage us, that’s why we do it.

Do Arnekleiv tattoo

Naturally, the rest of the members of the national biathlon team also get Meinecke tattoos. “Okay,” says Johannes Thingness Bo, but he thinks the tattoo puts a certain amount of pressure on Tandrevold.

So you’re a fan. So it’s up to Ingrid to set a good example for the rest of her career, so that she doesn’t do something stupid that she’ll regret later, he smiles.

Meinicke isn’t alone in wanting tattoos on athletes’ bodies. Juni Arnekleiv recently received an order.

June Arnicliffe

Shooting Stars: Johnny Arnycliffe.

Image: NTP

I got a DM on insta where someone asked me if they should get a tattoo on their arm. Then I saw: “No, you don’t have to,” she says with a laugh.

Caroline Naughton applauds the enthusiastic fans and believes the Tenderfold tattoo was a success. She herself wanted to get a tattoo when she was 20, but trainer Roger Gruben advised her against it.

“Caro, you have so many scars on your body that you don’t need a tattoo,” was the funny message she received.

Swedish victory

Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold started first in Saturday’s chase after winning Friday’s race. Sweden’s Elvira Öberg started just 4.9 seconds behind. The two held the lead throughout the race and came together in the final shootout.

There, Elvira Öberg shot to a full house, while Tandrevold struggled with the charge and had to give up the lead.

Norwegian women’s shooting coach, Patrik Oberger, isn’t sure why the Tandrevold charge failed. He brags about the way you treated him.

– Solve it well, hold the string, and hit five good hits. “So she can’t blame much,” Obriger says.

She went out with Swiss Lena Heike Gross to the final round. Haecki-Gross started 20 seconds behind Tandrevold, but great shooting and good speed down the track ensured she finished second after a run from Tandrevold on the run.

Everyone on the podium was content with just one failure in their four shootouts on their way to the 10k.

Caroline Naughton started 40 seconds behind. I missed the first lie and hit the rest and came in seventh place.

I’m happy and I had a very good feeling in the hole, but I’m tired after yesterday. It wasn’t the same energy and rush. “It’s still not too bad, but I always get along very badly,” Naughton told NRK.

Caroline Naughten - Here during Friday's race in Hochfeldzen.

Caroline Naughten – Here during Friday’s race in Hochfeldzen.

Photo: Agence France-Presse

Marit Eschul Skogan (two fouls) finished 18th.

The other Norwegian racers had modest positions from the sprint and started at the back. With three misses, Johnny Arnicliffe has risen from 42nd to 21st.

Marthe Kråkstad Johansen also fouled three times and was number 25, while Emilie Ågheim Kalkenberg had a bad day on the runway with six faults. It continued until 47th place.

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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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