Memory of death Words in memory of Rolf Robstad

Memory of death  Words in memory of Rolf Robstad

I grew up in Nanset! As everyone knows, Nanset was a hotbed for dance and music groups in the 1970s and 1980s.

Our big role models at that time were “Tommy Dodds”, “Scandie”, “PartY”, “East West”, “Dallas”, “Finlandia” and so on. Finally came “The Girls,” “Mariannes,” and “The Hot Dogs.” “, “Dixie”, “Inside” (that was me and us) and more!

The undersigned became a “band musician” early on and Rolf was a role model. I vividly remember him sitting at Nansett School with his already primary school guitar case and playing the guitar. I was barely ten years old then. Now I am 58 years old.

It couldn't have been better for me when the Scandi stood on stage in Bokskogen in front of a thousand people dancing, or on the dock dancing in “Old Skutebrija”, or in Framhallen with all the people of Larvik dancing in the late 70's and early 80's. .

Rolf always had a smile on his face, singing and a great grip on the guitar!

I had the “honor” of playing at a dance in Hovlandhallen with hundreds of people with Rolf (and Scandi).

I also played in the Nansett School Band and Youth Music Band with Rolf. He's on the drums. I can't remember anything but joy and laughter and you and the “wonderful ride.”

The youth music band in Nanset eventually became quite 'professional', but no one beat us on the streets when 'Gammel jegermarsj' was played in Bøkeskogen with Rolf on drums and me and my father (Tormod Jensen) on the tuba!

Feel proud when you think about this time!

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In recent years, we, as Dansebandet Vi-2, have had the pleasure of having Rolf with us several times, but then as Vi-3. We will miss you with your temperament, friendship, singing, and amazing guitar grip!

Our musical thoughts go out to you and your daughter Aislinn, but also to anyone close to you at a time like this!

Larvik and the world have lost a good musician and the world is poorer! Unfortunately!

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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