Minimums of the bad weather in the bathroom – this year

Minimums of the bad weather in the bathroom – this year

Die Bad Wurzacher Ministranten vor der Kulisse einer grächtschen Stadt: Rome.

Bad Wurzach / Rome – SPQR: This problem is in Rome allenthalben zu lesen. Vier Latinische Buchstaben, which stands for “Senate (S) und (Q) das Volk (P) von Rom (R)”. Or as one resident of Rome, Augenzwinkernd über, said: “Sono pazzi, questi romani!” Auf deutsch und bekannt durch zwei Gallier famous: “Die Spinnen, die Römer!”

This is in Rome “gesponnen” zugeht, gilt höchsten für den Straßenverkehr. Vielmehr is da Gegenteil der Fall, as the group of 35 people in SE Bad Wurzach is located in the Herbstferien district of Rahmen der Miniwallfahrt des Dekanates Allgäu-Oberschwaben erfahrente. On the other hand, there is no need to worry about anything, we are hanging on it: there is a lot of money, people feel sad when we are rich.


In addition, the minister and minister of the Bad Wurzacher church community were able to experience something impressive: such as the Pantheon and the Colosseum, the Peter’s Basilica and its dome with a magnificent view of the city or as a special vantage point – the joint Angelus with Pope Francis on Petersplatz.

Gottesdienst with Cardinal Casper

Die fünftägige Wallfahrt finally ended in Sankt Paul vor den Mauern. There, more than 600 Teilnehmenden des Dekanates zusammen mit Kardinal Kasper, dem gebürtigen Wangener and ehemaligen Bischof der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, celebrated the Abschlussgoddesdienst – um so Blessed die Homereise anzutreten.


As it is clear: In Rom es geht es war immer wieder drunter and drouber. But perhaps the war was genau das, desi libendigkeit, die grundlag für e-gut, gemensam zit ales grup in ROM. Then, 35 young people from SE Bad Wurzach, as well as Begleitung, can in this way gather many experiences, enjoy the city and the food, but above all experience themselves as a class community.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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