Norwegian Politics, Center Party | The married man had intercourse with six women at the same time

Norwegian Politics, Center Party |  The married man had intercourse with six women at the same time

– The women they grew up with, a Western Norwegian man says with a woman’s blanket that nothing has been done illegally. The lawyer believes women should not be considered whistleblowers.

Firtha Sogn og writes that a local politician was expelled from the Center Party in Fjordane. The reason is that it violates the ethics of the party.

The exemption came following a letter signed by six women, which was sent to the SP’s local committee chairman and all male colleagues on the Municipal Council.

In a letter read by Netavicen, the six women claim that they each fell in love with each other – without knowing each other – but were deceived. They are seduced in a cynical way and given false beliefs, they write. The person was married while the relationship was going on, but is now divorced.

Nationally expelled from the party this fall, General Secretary Nut M. Olson. He did not comment on Netavicen, except to comment on party declaration cases.

– New line from the party

The online newspaper spoke to a person who knew that this should not be considered a normal notification case or a meadow case.

– From the personal sphere, he tells Netavisen that it is not related to any political context.

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He says the person received a written statement in two sentences from the party. It states that he was expelled as a result of violating the party’s ethics. He asked for a complete justification, but he did not get it.

He does not deny secrecy and contact with many women at once, but he knows there is no crime.

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– These are adult women, nothing has been done illegally. So I was amazed at the quick and shallow treatment of the center party.

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– If it is justified by lies and disappointment, I accept it, but at the same time I think it is a new line from the party. This is not the case with Meadow.

– Inquired by the parties

None of the women were active in the central party. Two of them tell Netavisen that they believe the man is creating an image.

– Formal letter is the beginning of the center party’s investigation. After that, a detailed and thorough investigation was conducted by the parties, where a woman tells Netavisen that we have presented a lot of documents.

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He says there have been responses from both sides. The man confirms this, but says he was not allowed to respond to the information provided by the women after the original letter.

The woman thinks it does not matter whether they are involved in politics or not.

– In this case it does not matter. The male has been involved in misbehavior with full females for many years, especially. Through his political character, he has created a face that looks socially involved, with great honesty, confidence and credibility. The role he plays as a municipal politician and SP representative has little to do with how he presents and presents himself. This cannot be underestimated.

As far as they know, the woman admits that nothing was done illegally.

– This is a lie

The person says the letter was sent to his 700 Facebook friends. He enjoys this as a public space stick, he tells Firta. Another woman denies this to Netavision.

– That’s not true, she says.

– Is it because it was not sent to any of his friends or the number is less than 700?

– No, that’s a lie. None of us sent a formal warning letter to his Facebook friends.

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He also explains why women chose to send the letter not only to local SP leaders, but to all male colleagues on the Municipal Council.

– We were afraid we would not be trusted and taken seriously. We chose to warn broadly because we do not like to be ridiculed, condemned and insulted.

Although no laws have been violated, she knows that being a politician puts some demands on how others should be treated.

– There should be a correspondence between life and learning here, if you are a politician, there is a level with you 24/7.

Now they want peace around the case they are demanding, he says.

– It takes an insane amount of time to warn like we did. We are not despicable women trying to get revenge.

– They are not whistleblowers

Says Birthe Eriksen, a lawyer who specializes in notice cases Firtha She did not think this should be considered a warning case.

– I do not think the use of the word “warnings” about six women belongs anywhere. Notice is a term used to refer to employees who report domestic objectionable conditions in the workplace. We also have examples of the term being used when members of voluntary organizations report abuse and more, he tells Firta.

– But here we are talking about adult women without positions in the central party, and there is nothing to indicate that the man used his position or position for anything. So he concludes that this is a matter of privacy.

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Eriksson also criticizes the person for not being told which passages in the party’s guidelines he has broken.

– They did not write that he had committed any crime.

– No. A man cannot be legally claimed. Who has not been despised or deceived by relationships in her lifetime?

– He has been expelled for treason. Are we going to adapt to US conditions?

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– Yes, Ericsson says many people here should go for a walk with them, and he advises that person to approach a lawyer.

I will not explain what is excluded

“We have never commented on notice cases. In such cases all information is kept confidential to us,” said Secretary-General Nut M. Olson responded to Netavision in an email.

He did not answer these questions:

  • Why does the party not comment on whistleblowing cases?
  • What points does the NN violate in the party’s ethical guidelines?
  • Is treason or multiple secrets a reason for simultaneous exclusion from the central party, and will there be current practice in the future?
  • Do you consider this case to be the Meadow case?

We contradict

All six women disagreed with attorney Erickson’s criticism and wrote lengthy responses Firtha.

There they write, among other things, that “a lawyer was expecting to have the opportunity to declare a case to whom and when – so he would call himself” whistleblower status “- and we would not allow that to happen. I was affected by this “.

They quote from the Central Party’s ethical guidelines:

“The notice means that someone who can do something about it must proceed with suspicion or determination on matters worthy of criticism. Complex conditions are a violation of Norwegian law, violation of central party laws or ethical guidelines of the central party. Violation applies to personal conduct, political or institutional abuse.”

“The ethical guidelines are clear, and there is no definition of whether a person must be a member of the political establishment or hold a political position in the central party to issue a notice. “They write further.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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