Paris 2024 Olympics, Athletics

Paris 2024 Olympics, Athletics

Athletes from Russia can compete under a neutral flag at the Olympics – a decision that has sparked reactions around the world. Among other countries, Sweden and Great Britain objected to the decision.

However, the British authorities are now said to have backed down on their stance times.

The newspaper wrote: “The British Sports Minister wrote to the International Olympic Committee expressing his support for the decision allowing Russian and Belarusian stars to compete under a neutral flag.”

The Guardian also wrote that the British authorities are ready to abandon their opposition to Russian and Belarusian participation.

Svenske Expressen refers to the whole thing as a “shocking transformation.”

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It must have been confirmed

However, the changing British view on the subject appears to have diminished. Stuart Andrew is said to have written a letter to IOC President Thomas Bach, with the message that they stand behind the Russian decision.

The government itself did not confirm that the letter was sent, but Bach is said to have commented on the situation. According to The Times, he confirms that the declaration of support has been received.

Norway with a clear position

Acting Sports President Arne Baard Dalhaug told Nettavisen that the Norwegian Sports Federation (NIF) has had a clear stance towards Russian-Belarusian participation in international sports competitions since the outbreak of war.

– From the NIF side, we have been very clear about this to our organizations, including the IOC, IPC, EOC, EPC and ANOC. So, we know that many of our own associations have made this message clear – something that was needed, and deserves recognition, says Dalhoug.

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But he points out that their position deviates from the vast majority in international sport. Dalhaug realizes this is something they have to deal with.

– Both the IOC and IOC have adopted strict neutrality criteria for the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in both the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. From the Norwegian sporting side, we have been clear in our expectations for these standards of neutrality and indicated that they should be as strict as possible. The recent decision by the International Paralympic Committee on strict neutrality standards in the Paralympics is in line with expectations for Norwegian sport, given that the democratic majority in the Paralympic movement decided last fall to open up neutral participation.

-We ourselves voted for a complete ban. In such a situation, we should realistically orient ourselves according to what the majority has decided, and focus on establishing a system of strict neutrality. We have achieved that here, he says in conclusion.

Sweden, like Norway, also criticized Russia and Belarus' participation in the Olympics.

– We do not think it is appropriate to allow athletes from Russia and Belarus to compete, said Lars Markusson, media director of the Olympic Committee of Sweden. Express.

Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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