Production of electric car batteries – Developing new requirements for electric car batteries:

Production of electric car batteries – Developing new requirements for electric car batteries:

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(Elbil24): European Parliament On Friday, I decided to introduce new legislation that will be applied to the production of electric car batteries, the purpose of which is to make them more environmentally friendly.

By July 2024, battery manufacturers who want to sell to the European market must report the total carbon footprint of their products – from design and extraction of raw materials to production and recycling.

This data will then be used to set climate emission caps in the production of electric vehicle batteries, which could come as early as July 2027.

“game changer”

interests organization Transport and the environmentwho are champions of green technology, are very excited about the new EU legislation and call it a “game-changer”:

Batteries are already more sustainable than the oil burning in our cars, but they could be so much better. Alex Keynes at T&E says the new carbon footprint and recycling rules and company audit will mean batteries sold in Europe are the most sustainable globally, setting the standards for the rest of the world.

Legislation covers not only carbon footprints, but also things like human rights, working conditions, water pollution, and the like.

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He should recover more

The EU will also set requirements for the amount of recycled material used in the production of new batteries.

According to T&E, there is a requirement that from 2027 at least 90 percent of nickel and cobalt must be recycled. From 2031 it will be increased to 95 percent. For lithium, the numbers are 50 and 80 percent, respectively.

The organization also believes that this will make European battery manufacturers more competitive, which will reduce competition from manufacturers that use less environmentally friendly energy and do not value workers’ rights as highly.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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