Reply to Rolf Lund in the Pensioners' Party: – I speak as a technology optimist

Reply to Rolf Lund in the Pensioners' Party: – I speak as a technology optimist

Now, I'm not going to take on any role as an expert AI commentator, but I do speak as a technology optimist.

Let us go directly to the question of Mr. Lund from the Pensioners' Party: Yes, artificial intelligence will reduce the number of employees as we work today, not only in administration, but in many other areas and not only in the municipal sector. Then comes the slightly longer and more interesting answer, or I don't have an answer, because I'm not an expert in this field, but I have a lot of opinions.

And there will be many other situations that we don't currently know what they are. This is the case with technological development, it is not that the streets are filled with typewriter repairmen, former bartenders and the unemployed. Typewriter repairmen had new duties and perhaps public servants now became a government body called the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

The advantage of requests processed by KI is that you will receive an answer immediately, as KI works around the clock. With KI, I imagine that within seconds you will get an answer as to whether you have been awarded a school bus, whether the planned extension complies with the site plan or whether a security alarm can be issued to you.

When I first access Trygghetsalarm:

The security alarm will very quickly end up in a tech museum because of AI, as smart watches will completely take over this sector. The watch will actually be able to warn of a heart attack before the person wearing it even knows they are having one. The AI ​​in the smartwatch will also be able to detect diabetes, dehydration, stroke, early dementia as well as many other medical conditions so that the necessary treatment can be initiated long before the patient notices symptoms. Falls will be notified once the patient falls. There is a lot to be saved here, not only financially, but also a lot to be gained from improved treatment and quality of life.

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As mentioned at the beginning, I am optimistic about technology, and there are solutions to some of the above today. There is something further in the future, but I believe that AI is a technological revolution whose full potential we have not yet seen. This technology is much more than just a chatbot that you meet on different pages.

This technology will save time from repetitive tasks that can be automated and provide more adaptive services to the citizens of Milhouse Municipality. You still have to call the municipality to ask questions and get help, but I shouldn't be surprised if in the future answers come from human-readable AI to the caller. KI will provide better services and better contact time for residents in the future, and I hope Milhouse Municipality will use this technology once both the technology, residents and the municipality are ready for it.

Ketil Blokum, representative of the municipal council, Milhos Huere

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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