Response to the WC star’s rainbow response

Response to the WC star’s rainbow response

– I think it’s crazy because more than ever you need footballers to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community, says Mina Finstad-Berg, TV 2 sports commentator.

Last week, the president of the French Football Federation (FFF), Noel Le Graet, stated that he would prefer not to see Hugo Lloris wear the rainbow captain’s armband.

argument They had to show respect for the host country. Le Graët also announced that he would speak to Lloris about the matter.

Head of Football: Noël Le Graët said he's not against rainbow captain armbands, but they are

Head of Football: Noël Le Graët said he’s not against captain’s rainbow armbands, but that they “play in a country that they have to respect”. Photo: Frank Fife

Monday, the French goalkeeper made his statement.

– Before we do anything, we need an agreement from FIFA and the Federation (FFF), says Lloris, according to AP news agency.

– Obviously, I have my opinion, and it is quite similar to the president’s. When we are in France and we welcome foreigners, we often want them to follow our rules and be respectful of our culture. And I will do the same when I go to Qatar, quite simply. I can agree with their ideas or not, Loris explains, but I have to show respect.


In Qatar, it is forbidden by law to be gay.

Finstad Berg believes that it has never been more important to take the rainbow flag with you.

More than ever, you need footballers to show that support and solidarity. She says the point that we welcome all potential people here, and expect them to respect our rules, I think is a rather bad example.

Sports commentator on 2S TV: Mina Finstad-Berg.  Photo: Espen Solli/TV 2

Sports commentator on 2S TV: Mina Finstad-Berg. Photo: Espen Solli/TV 2

– Here we have added the toilet to a country with very discriminatory legislation for both women and homosexuals. Then I think it is not right to follow Qatar’s positions on these points. These are not the values ​​of international football, which we see in all the sweet party speeches and campaigns, as Finstad-Berg points out.

Plan another tag

France was one of eight European nations to participate in the World Cup finals in September “OneLove” Campaign. A specially made captain’s armband was then supposed to be worn by the French during the tournament.

It is unclear if FIFA will ever allow its use. Danes He must have been notified That they are not allowed to warm themselves in clothes with the words “human rights for all”.

in the Netherlands They pronounced That they will wear the captain’s armband regardless of whether they risk punishment.

Lloris adds that the French players are likely to rally around a sign for human rights in Qatar, the Associated Press writes.

– We cannot be insensitive when it comes to these problems. It will be done in a few days or hours, said the French goalkeeper, as we shall see.

Finstad Berg does not exonerate him for this reason.

– It’s great that they think of a spotlight, but I think it’s a shame that women’s and queer rights are left out of that discussion because you have to hide them away in cultural differences, you say.

WC CAMPAIGN: Harry Kane and other European team captains have used the OneLove captain's armband this fall.  Photo: Carl Reisen

WC CAMPAIGN: Harry Kane and other European team captains have used the OneLove captain’s armband this fall. Photo: Carl Reisen

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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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