Solvej Balle: “On Calculating Space Capture 3”

Solvej Balle: “On Calculating Space Capture 3”

a novel




Trude Marsten

Release year:


«Innovative and ready to strike»

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steel control

One of the country’s leading figures in the 1990s, Danish Solvej Balle made a sly comeback in the 1920s with the release of the seven-volume plan within the fantasy genre. For the first three volumes, it was awarded the Scandinavian Council for Literature Prize 2022, and critics declared it somewhat genius. After reading the third volume, now available in Norwegian, I noticed that my initial skepticism was about to evaporate. Yes, this lady has a steely grip on the means. And her language is a joy to read, creative and witty, beautifully preserved in Norwegian translation by Trude Marstein.

When a man complains about the meaninglessness of life, Balle lets him put it this way: “All he did was precursor to hitting the delete key.” Or: “Break before the trash can.” Henry Dale, the Norwegian sociologist who got caught in the November 18th bubble, has this to say. Henry D shares a common destiny with Tara S. They met by chance at the University of Düsseldorf and shared an apartment where they shared experiences about stalemate. To reduce their footprint on November 18, they eat “waste”, food that has expired, until one day they discover that the grains of rice they are eating are crawling caterpillars. They count their days in groups of 100, which they call centennials. When they part, they agree to meet each new centium.

Painful read

Painful read

disaster prevention

On 11/18 #1652, Olga Peretti suddenly appears at Tara’s door. She asks for help to find Ralph Kern, who has disappeared without a trace. It was Olga B. Only 17 years old when she was arrested at the time; I interviewed IT expert Ralph K. And I discovered that he was suffering. They traveled together by car until one day they got into a traffic accident. Subsequently, Ralph K. Obsessed with finding news of all the world’s accidents on November 18th, in order to warn people in advance of what will happen and prevent disasters.

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He would develop a computer program called BeDaZy, the “Better-Day-Zystem”, in hopes that they could get back in the age of progress: “Imagine if it was November 19th, it’s not our responsibility to leave that day behind, is it the best possible number on Launch ranked eighteenth?”

In this volume of psychology, Tara S. That her introverted personality has changed. Change means she’s got a community and a mission: someone who needs them. Truth be told, it also gives the Solvej Balle project a boost, I think. More dialogues, more angles, more inversions and more points of interest. Here, it’s just about hanging out.

Take you to bed

Take you to bed

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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