Speed ​​Control, National Road Administration | The Swedish Road Administration invited TV2 to a speed test in Gjemnes – when one of their own cars drove by: – ​​It’s embarrassing!

Speed ​​Control, National Road Administration |  The Swedish Road Administration invited TV2 to a speed test in Gjemnes – when one of their own cars drove by: – ​​It’s embarrassing!

The reason TV2 was invited to take part in the study was to focus on disrespecting speed limits in road work zones. TV2 In case of a special event.

TV2 has produced several cases of road workers and traffic operators who live dangerously because many of us do not care enough to slow down where roadworks are underway.

The test they participated in was the E39 at Bergsøya in Gjemnes. The test was normally conducted at a speed of 80 kmph, but due to road works it has now been reduced to 50 kmph. There is also a roadworks warning sign about 250 meters before the start of the new speed limit.

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– Embarrassing

But during the investigation, reporters from the Swedish Road Administration, UP and TV2 both saw something unexpected: one of the Swedish Road Administration’s own cars drove through the area at high speed. 62 km/h shows UP’s measurement, 12 km/h above the reduced speed limit.

– A road service car caught speeding is embarrassing. “We deeply regret this,” Jan Arild Johansson, divisional manager in operations and maintenance, told TV2 about the incident.

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The need for controls increased

But the Vegvesen car was far from alone. In the two-and-a-half-hour-long raid, 29 drivers were booked for speeding at a road construction site in UP. One of them clocked 76 kmph and lost his driving license on the spot.

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– That number is too high. “There are many people who don’t respect that this is a road work zone with a low speed limit,” UP Officer John Arild Hansen tells TV2.

In an email to Tydens Grau about the speed limit, Hanson said that of the 29 people stopped, 28 received simplified summonses and the person caught speeding at 76 km/h was reported and, as he said, had his driver’s details. License forfeited. All accepted the motions.

Jarl Paul Opsel, head of the group in UP, calls it “horrific” and tells TV2 that more control measures are needed in such roadwork areas based on the documents they received.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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