Teachers expose students cheating on ChatGPT

Teachers expose students cheating on ChatGPT
Teachers expose students cheating on ChatGPT

Six out of ten teachers detected students cheating using AI.


These numbers were revealed in a recent survey conducted by Opinion on behalf of Education news.

Here, 58% of teachers in Norwegian secondary schools reported that they had caught students cheating using artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT. The survey also reveals that nearly half of teachers consider this a major problem.

– When ChatGPT came out, we had no idea what we were in for. This fall, she caught at least five or six students cheating, Marian Otting says.

She is a lecturer at Narvik Senior High School and a district board member of the Nordland Education Association.

How should schools handle cheating in ChatGPT?

The lecturer detects cheating by seeing students using words and phrases they do not understand. Some people admit to cheating when confronted, while others deny it.

She stresses that it's not always easy to detect cheating, as students can ask ChatGPT to write more simply, or mix their own words into the AI ​​text.

Otting worries about the consequences of cheating.

-I really want the students to learn something. They must learn to write, and learn to think. In addition to the need for them to learn the material. They don't do that if they just ask a chatbot for answers, Uteng tells Uddanningsnytt.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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