The pubs and parks bring together those who want to enjoy the southern heat of London. But far from everyone is thriving in the heat wave that has now hit the entire UK.
NRK meets Terry Kane who rushes home under the scorching sun. He carries an oxygen tank on his shoulder.
– I have to use oxygen. I try to go home before the age of fifteen.
Terry Kane tries to avoid the worst of the heat.
Photo: Håvard Blekastad Almås / NRK
On Monday, 38.1 degrees were measured at Santon Downham in Suffolk, the highest temperature of the year. I cut several places with bikes 37 degrees, According to the UK Meteorological Institute. Wales set a new temperature record, with a temperature of 37.1 degrees. Tuesday may be a new record for the whole country.
Tomorrow is expected to be much warmer, with reports suggesting the degree could reach 40 degrees.
Several high temperatures in the UK.
Photo: With Office / Twitter
For the first time, authorities issued a warning of extreme heat. Andy Curran, a doctor at Lancashire Teaching Hospital, says Brits are struggling.
– It’s a balancing act. We don’t get Lots of nice weather and we’ll enjoy it, but we’re talking temperatures here that we haven’t seen in this country, ever or for a long time. Our bodies, homes, culture and lifestyle are not ready for this, he told the BBC.
Among other things, authorities are asking people to monitor each other, get enough fluids and limit physical activity.
Train and plane canceled
Some hospitals in England are said to have had to postpone operations, Guardian reports.
“In the past 48 hours, we’ve heard that some hospitals have to scale back the number of planned operations because operating rooms are too hot,” says Miriam Deakin of the hospital group NHS Providers.
For its part, the government says that the health services deal with the heat well, The Daily Mail writes.
People resting in the shade in a park in London.
Photo: Gry Blekastad Almås/NRK
Some schools closed early or closed completely due to the heat. Train companies have asked passengers to skip travel unless absolutely necessary. Several train departures have been canceled, otherwise there would have been significant delays. London Luton Airport had to cancel several flights on Monday because the runway became very hot.
It is not only people who need protection. Chester Zoo Twitter Reports They are closing doors until Wednesday, to keep animals, staff and guests safe.
The NRK team and equipment in London also felt the heat. In the middle of filming, the camera went on strike and had to be chilled in an ice table. Together with the reporter.
“Hot End of the World”
Britain is not the only country that cooks. This is the second heat wave to hit Europe in a month. Huge wildfires are now burning in Spain, Portugal and France. To date, hundreds of heat-related deaths have been reported.
– In some southwestern parts of France there will be a thermal disaster, Meteorologist Francois Jourand told AFP.
A firefighter monitors the flames in southwest Landera, France.
Photo: SDIS 33 / AP
Climate research recognizes that human emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases contribute to an increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves.
The globe today is 1.1 degrees warmer than it was before the industrial age. Countries around the world have agreed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Massive and rapid emissions cuts are needed if we are to achieve this, and avoid the worst consequences of climate change, according to the United Nations Climate Panel.
He is not looking forward to future temperatures.
Photo: Håvard Blekastad Almås / NRK
Back in London, Terry Keane worries about the future.
– Maybe we need to get used to this heat?
– Yes, he says with a sigh.
– People are letting down the planet.
“Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst.”