The Elon Musk satellite network is available in Norway

The Elon Musk satellite network is available in Norway

Starlink, the satellite network from Elon Musk-owned SpaceX, is now available to order in the far south of the country.

Southland first

When we wrote about Starlink coming to Norway earlier this year, it was thought that it wouldn’t be ready until 2023. But it is now possible to order equipment and reports

Admittedly, only Norwegians who have to go to the far south of the country can get there first. The rest of the country will have to wait until 2023, according to Starlink’s coverage map.

It can be ordered in the south: On the Starlink coverage map, you can see that it has opened to orders in southern Norway.  Photo: screenshot

It can be ordered in the south: On the Starlink coverage map, you can see that it has opened to orders in southern Norway. Photo: screenshot
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The price seems to be around 6000 NOK for the communication equipment, a small parabolic antenna with a stand, a power supply and a WiFi router. In addition, there is a fixed monthly rate of 1,049 NOK, according to

Standardly, the subscription is secured at one fixed location, but it is possible to take the equipment with you for an additional NOK 240 per month.

This is starlink

Starlink particularly appeals to those who live in more isolated areas, with limited options for a fiber line or good mobile coverage.

At the time of writing, Starlink has just over 2,000 satellites in orbit around the Earth. SpaceX has ambitions for more than 30,000 of them if approved by the International Telecommunication Union (the United Nations body), so that they can provide internet coverage around the world.

With a clear view of the sky and a satellite receiver on the ground, on a rooftop, or atop a pole, Starlink can provide internet speeds that many previously could only imagine.

PACKAGE: This is included in the Starlink package - a satellite receiver with stand, long cable, and router that you can keep inside.  The package costs around 4,000 NOK, while the subscription costs 1,000 NOK per month.  Photo: starlink

PACKAGE: This is included in the Starlink package – a satellite receiver with stand, long cable, and router that you can keep inside. The package costs around 4,000 NOK, while the subscription costs 1,000 NOK per month. Photo: starlink
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in Starlink subreddit Multiple report speeds of both 100 and 200 Mbps, with a low enough delay (ping) to play online. The weak point now is that every now and then you have to be prepared for a few minutes of downtime because you lose connection to the satellites.

Recently, the company also launched Starlink Premium, where with the help of a more advanced receiver you can reach speeds of up to 500Mbps, with test times of 20-40ms. When the entire system is up and running, it should theoretically be possible to deliver 1 Gbps to each end user.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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