This will affect the Oslo Stock Exchange

This will affect the Oslo Stock Exchange

Just before 07.00, according to the IG trading platform, futures contracts show Oslo Poor’s up 0.89 percent since the start.

Nordnet’s Roger Berntsen thinks Oslo Borse will open 0.5 percent, or within range [0,3, 0,7] percent.

Nordnet analyst notes in his morning report that US indices rose significantly on Wednesday after a longer period of decline.

“Investors were driven by upbeat quarterly numbers for companies like FedEx and Nike, as well as macro (consumer confidence) numbers,” he writes, but notes that whether Wednesday’s rally marks the start of a classic Christmas rebound remains to be seen, given that The stock market’s performance in the first part of the month was dismal.

“All 10 sub-sectors rose in the US, Europe and Asia yesterday and last night, a phenomenon that rarely happens. In the US and Europe, technology and energy stocks led the way, while telecoms and consumer goods in Asia performed the best,” he added. points out Berntsen, who believes a good mood on the global stock exchange is in the cards. Exchanges will continue today.


On the heels of a two-day rally on Wall Street, most Asian stock markets rallied Thursday morning.

In Japan, the Nikkei index rose 0.47 percent, while the broader Topix index rose 0.75 percent.

China’s Shanghai Composite was up 0.21%, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng was up 2.59%, and South Korea’s Kospi was up 0.91%.

In India, on the other hand, the Sensex is down 0.40%, the S&P/ASX 200 in Australia is up 0.53%, and the Straits Times Index in Singapore is up 0.59%.

See also  Starbucks falls sharply after horror numbers - E24

Read the full Asia update here.

oil price

Brent oil rose 0.50% to $82.61 a barrel Thursday morning, while West Texas Intermediate crude rose 0.52% to $78.70 a barrel.

On the other hand, a barrel of North Sea oil was traded at $81.72 per barrel at the close of the Oslo Stock Exchange on Wednesday.

Wall Street

All major indices rose on Wednesday – for the second day in a row, after a weak December on the US stock market.

The Dow Jones rose 1.62 percent to 33,381.90, while the Standard & Poor’s rose 1.49 percent to 3,878.40. The Nasdaq index rose 1.54 percent to 10,709.37.

American consumer confidence that the US economy is moving in the right direction showed a new peak in December. The index ended December at 108.3 points, up from 101.4 points in the previous month.

Confidence among consumers rebounded sharply in December and reversed the trend in October and November. The index has not been this high since April, The Conference Board’s director of economic indicators, Lynn Franco, says in a comment.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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