War – I left Kherson’s leadership

War – I left Kherson’s leadership

According to Vitalij Kim, the governor of the Mykolaiv region, the Russian military command in the Kherson region has now left the city of Kherson and moved to the left (east) bank of the Dnipro River, the newspaper wrote. Kyiv Independent.

The information has not yet been commented on by Russian officials.

British military intelligenceOn the other hand, today reports indicate that the two main bridges providing access to the enclave of Russian-occupied territory on the west bank of the Dnipro River in the Kherson Territory, “may have now become out of service due to significant military supplies”.

destroys bridges

For several weeks, the Ukrainians launched a major offensive to retake Kherson – which was captured by Russian forces early in the war.

An important strategy was the destruction of bridges over the Dnipro River, which is very wide in some places. It creates major problems for the supply lines and the movement of Russian forces.

- Destroyed: It is said that the Ukrainians destroyed this bridge over the Dnipro River at the Nova Kakhovka power station, a few miles from the city of Kherson.  Photo: Olga Maltseva/AFP/NTB

– Destroyed: It is said that the Ukrainians destroyed this bridge over the Dnipro River at the Nova Kakhovka power station, a few miles from the city of Kherson. Photo: Olga Maltseva/AFP/NTB
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According to the British, on Wednesday, the Ukrainians collided with a bridge over the Nova Kakhovka Dam a few miles from the city of Kherson over the Dnipro River, making the bridge “probably unfit for heavy military vehicles”. According to the Kyiv Independent newspaper, the Ukrainians thus divided the occupied Kherson Oblast into two parts.


The British also mention that the Russians only partially succeeded in superficial repairs of the Central Antonevsky Bridge, which was destroyed in July. The main railway bridge in Kherson was also damaged, and the Russians used a pontoon ferry as the main route for supplies through the Dnipro.

The front lines: This is how the front lines stand in the war August 12th, according to British Military Intelligence.  Graphics: Defense Intelligence

The front lines: This is how the front lines stand in the war August 12th, according to British Military Intelligence. Graphics: Defense Intelligence
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Even if Russia succeeds in making major bridge repairs, they will remain major weaknesses. The ground supplies of several thousand Russian soldiers in the West Bank depended with great certainty on only two crossing points for the ferries, the British write, continuing:

With supply lines disrupted, the amount of equipment Russia has been able to stockpile in the West Bank is likely to be the main factor in the force’s endurance.

Introduction: The video supposedly shows the city of Beskeg in the foreground in Ukraine being bombed by Russian forces. Video: Twitter. Reporter: Vigard Krueger.
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He also prioritizes Donbass

Arne Bord Dahlhaug, retired Lieutenant General and former Secretary of Defense, painted a portrait of Dagbladet in July that the Russians Maybe he made a big tactical mistake By betting heavily on both Kherson and Donbass.

– The question is whether it is the right priority to send such a large force to the Donbass, he said – and noted that the Russians should withdraw their forces from the Donbass to consolidate efforts in Kherson, which he considers more strategically important than the former. .


The Russians have overt ambitions to “rust” occupied Kherson as quickly as possible – by, among other things, introducing Russian mobile networks, the Russian language in schools, and planned referendum On whether the region should become a “people’s republic” along the lines of Luhansk and Donetsk.

Resistance: Ukrainians demonstrate against Russian occupiers in Kherson in April.  Photo: Reuters / NTB

Resistance: Ukrainians demonstrate against Russian occupiers in Kherson in April. Photo: Reuters / NTB
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This prestigious project is now in jeopardy.

– Dalhaug made it clear in July that they had their backs against Dnipro.

He believed that the Russians had a “traditional supply line problem” in that they crossed the wide river.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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