The water level in Mjøsa is still rising and looks set to reach its peak of flooding late Saturday or early Sunday.
According to NVE’s forecasts, Mjøsa will rise another 16 centimeters from its level at 10 am on Saturday.
Many people living near the Dyrfjorden have been asked to leave. Five addresses in Fetsundin Øya in Lilleström are being evacuated on Saturday afternoon. The municipality continues to consider evictions, they write on their website.
Flood warning at red level
Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE) Maintains flood warning at red level for Drammensvassdraget and lower part of Glomma.
– The Tyrifjord may rise by around 30 centimeters above its level on Saturday morning, says Erik Holmqvist, flood watcher at NVE. Press release.
According to NVE, some rain is expected in southeastern parts of eastern Norway overnight into Sunday.
Picture from Gjøvik on Saturday afternoon. Mjøsa is expected to reach peak flooding on Sunday.
Photo: Stine Bækkelien / NRK
– The weather forecast for eastern Norway is uncertain, and there will not be much rain before it worsens the current flood situation. “We think there is not enough rain, but we have chosen to maintain a red flood warning for the lower parts of Gloma,” says Erik Holmqvist, NVE’s flood watcher.
The flood warning for Gudbrandsdalslågen including Mjøsa is maintained at orange level.
The landslide warning is maintained at the yellow level, and has been extended to apply to municipalities in the northern interior. Landslide risk is often linked to erosion and landslides in flood-sized rivers.
Untreated sewage flows into Mjoza
Lillehammer Municipality writes in a press release that a lot of polluted sewage flows into Mjøsa as a result of Hans extreme weather.
They ask everyone to keep their distance from the water’s edge and water, which applies to both humans and animals.
This also applies to water return areas, writes the municipality in a press release.
– We have extreme weather. Those pumping stations for sewage go into the storm water, so it goes straight into Mjøsa. Such events and extreme weather are not uncommon. Most of what should have gone through the treatment plant now goes straight to Mjøsa, says Kjersti Morset, Lillehammer municipality’s communications manager, about sewage discharges in Mjøsa and Lågen.
That’s how it looked at Lillehammer on Saturday.
Photo: Ryder Gregerson
NVE’s latest forecasts show that Mjøsa is expected to rise another 6 centimeters before reaching its expected flood peak on Sunday.
By Saturday afternoon, Mjøsa was rising by a centimeter every two hours.
– Mjøsa is on the way up, but the flow of water into Mjøsa is on the way down. This happens because even though the water flow into Mjøsa is decreasing, it is still greater than the water flow out of Mjøsa, so Mjøsa is still rising. This is what hydrologist Sjur Kolberg at NVE says.
will rise further
The water level below Worma seems to have reached its peak. But the water level in Øyeren and Mørkfoss is still rising.
This means that there is too much water coming into the gloma. Solbergfoss at Askim in Indre Østfold has a flow of 3104 cubic meters per second on Saturday. Water is expected to continue to rise.
– It will go up, but it looks like we won’t reach the red level at Solbergfoss. Water levels in Øyeren often peak during Saturday, but may also peak on Sunday. I don’t rule out a peak in Friedrichstadt before Monday. But it is difficult to say precisely, says Sjur Kolberg, hydrologist at NVE.
In the municipality of Sarbsburg, the municipality chose to close Sarbsbrew to the public on Saturday. While many people want to see the large amount of water in the falls they are afraid of traffic safety.
Image by Surffosson August 10, 2023.
Photo: Lars Håkon Pedersen / NRK
Police said many people were trespassing the barriers on the bridge on Saturday afternoon.
– There are many. Lisbeth Mjosund, operations manager at the Eastern Police District, says we have registered with the municipality to consider setting up guards.
Police and the municipality ask that the closures be respected.
– We in the police were there to talk to people and move some cars. We need to focus some attention on the area going forward, Mjøsund continues.
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