Why keep quiet about emissions from gas sales, isn’t it?

Why keep quiet about emissions from gas sales, isn’t it?

Aftenbladet recently presented its semi-annual results. The case is based on a press release from the relevant group And the price of profit and electricity but there is something they did not mention.

Torfinn Ingeborgrud laments that when the Lyse ownership strategy was renewed, politicians gave up the opportunity to demand cuts in climate emissions and the phasing out of fossil gas sales. Pictured is Lyse CEO, Eimund Nygaard.

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  • Torfinn Ingeborgrud
    Torfinn Ingeborgrud


Posted: Posted:

In the tables in the mid-year report We see that the climate emissions associated with the sale of fossil gas are increasing sharply. This is not mentioned in the press release, nor is it difficult to find anything about this on the site. It seems that Lacey no longer wants to be interested in the gas sector.

Lis stopped bragging that they used community funds to build a 650-kilometer gas pipeline at Rogaland Sur, sending 70,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the first half of 2021 only. The figures for the first half of 2020 were a rare 60,000 tons. In addition, gas comes to lysé It is used to heat its own area. in a In 2020, it accounted for 26% of the energy in district heating. This contributed to 11,000 tons of carbon dioxide. Selling gas also causes small and large leaks of methane, a very dangerous greenhouse gas. The methane leak has tripled compared to the same period last year.

Controversial gas pipeline

The gas pipeline is unique in Norway. There was no shortage of protests when it was being built, nature and youth, for example, chained themselves in an attempt to stop construction. It is not the only electricity producer in Norway that buys fossil gas and pays it to its customers. Thus, Lycée allows fossil gas to compete with its own renewable electricity From Lysefjord for example.

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It should come as no surprise that gas sales are booming. The group’s board of directors decided to increase sales, and they achieve this with a so-called price guarantee: no matter what happens to the price of electricity, Gas should always be cheaper.

In most countries of the world, we are seeing that renewable energy from solar, wind and water is now cheaper and doing better and better in competition with fossil energy. That’s fine, emissions are reduced. But here in Les Land, the municipality-owned energy supplier ensures that fossil gas will always be the cheapest. They have removed market forces and, in periods of low electricity prices, use community money to take care of gas and continuing climate emissions.

Gas Business

Gas goes to industry, agriculture and transportation. Projecting cheap gas through a pipe in the wall of the house, for example, has brought nearly all of Norway’s tomato production together on Rogaland Sur. It contributes to unnecessary emissions from transportation, and customers across the country can no longer choose to travel short distances. The gas supply has also halted development towards better and more climate-friendly solutions. Liz has succeeded in making large parts of the Rogaland business community dependent on fossil gas, which would be costly to change.

The cheap sale of fossil gas means that it is also used to heat ordinary buildings. The price guarantee has led a number of homeowners in the public and private sectors to opt for climate-damaging fossil gas, rather than renewable electricity or heat pumps. In Stavanger, this applies for example the Concert Hall, Stavanger University Hospital and Stavanger University. Some customers write about themselves that they are concerned about sustainability and a green transition, yet they are taking advantage of a supply that is not for fossil gas.

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Some give Statspipe responsibility. Statsbygg writes on the site that they are ‘A driving force for a greener industry’. Statsbygg, in the same way that the municipality-owned city of Lyse, is good at climate discourse. In 2021, of course, one must “feel responsible” and “focus on sustainability at all levels”. When they’re still picking fossil gas, that’s talking to two tongues.

negative owners

Lyse can defend the gas pipeline by also using it to distribute IVAR biogas. But the range is modest. Biogas plants are very expensive to build. It is unrealistic to think that we can replace all fossil gas with biogas. It appears that the policy is not to replace the gas market but to increase its size by offering biogas to new customer groups.

Not a limited company owned by 14 municipalities in the area. Municipal councils elect the majority of board members. But when they sit in board meetings In Lacey, they don’t care that the owning municipalities have decided to cut climate emissions. This lack of management is a disadvantage for municipally owned limited companies.

Municipalities still have a chance to ask Lisi to change course. The owners are managed through a ten-year ownership strategy. This spring, the strategy was renewed, but politicians sadly missed the opportunity to demand cuts in climate emissions and the phasing out of fossil gas sales.

Les does not seem to have taken it upon himself that the climatic situation gives a “red code for humanity”. They continue to contribute to completely unnecessary climate emissions, building a dangerous dependence on fossil gas, Although they boast the opposite in ads and on the site.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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