Yara warns against cooperating with anti-wind energy entities – NRK Vestfold and Telemark – local news, TV and radio

Yara warns against cooperating with anti-wind energy entities – NRK Vestfold and Telemark – local news, TV and radio

There is still tension in Porsgrunn over who will take power after the elections.

Many important parts of wind energy can be exposed to heat.

In the current situation, it is unlikely that cooperation will consist of parties positive about wind energy in the municipality.

Yara fears that this year’s municipal elections will halt all wind energy development, not only in Porsgrunn, but throughout the country.

Without green energy, the company cannot supply electricity to its plant in Hiroya, which today emits huge amounts of carbon dioxide.

I think there will be almost no time

Norway must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030. At the same time, mainland exports must increase by 50 percent.

– If we want to manage this, electricity is the one that applies. Then we have to build more renewable energy across the country, Holsether says.

Only in the factory in Porsgrunn Fertilizers and chemicals company Yara reduced 800 thousand tons of carbon dioxide. This represents approximately 2 percent of Norway’s total emissions.

Yara Fertilizer Tower in Hiroya with power cable and power masts in the foreground

Yara’s factories, here from Heroya in Porsgrunn, will cut huge amounts of carbon dioxide. Then they depend on electricity.

Photo: Lars Torre Endersen/NRK

Holsether believes that Porsgrunn is the industrial capital of Norway in many ways and should therefore be a leader in what he believes is a good example on the wind energy issue.

– We need more renewable energy to further develop industry, safe workplaces and ensure good electricity prices for households.

Holsether stresses that he does not want to interfere Local negotiations.

We must not put ourselves in a position where we have to cut jobs in order to reach climate goals. That would be a huge defeat.

– What happens to the Porsgrunn electrification project without wind energy development?

This makes it more difficult. The CEO says it does not depend on production in the immediate area separately, but we need to develop energy throughout the country.

New projects can fail

Norsk Vind wants to build seven large wind turbines a stone’s throw from the E18 on Lanner in Porsgrunn, and believes they can be built without affecting pristine nature.

Plans for a wind farm in Porsgrunn.
Illustration: Norwegian wind

The project in Porsgrunn, like a number of other places in the country, has faced local political opposition.

Project Manager Espen Borgir Kristoffersen at Norsk Fiend shares Yara CEO’s post-election concerns.

– Now it’s an obstacle. There are very few politicians who dare to say that more energy must be built, whether it is solar energy, wind energy or perhaps also hydroelectricity.

Many conflicts

Lars Nehru-Sand previously stated that wind energy as a subject has many conflicting goals.

Energy versus nature conservation is a national or local joint report.

– Then of course it comes down to money and much needed jobs for municipalities. He says there are several things that make this politically combustible in a local setting.

So many different parties agree that wind energy is a bad idea, but their reasons are different.

Lars Nehru Sand

Lars Nehru Sand is a political commentator at NRK.

Photo: John B. Petrosson/NRK

Don’t believe in the power of wind as a solution

One party that could gain political power in Porsgrunn is Roodt.

Mayoral candidate, Pal Berbe, believes it is a shame that Yara went out this way.

Block in Porsgrunn - Pal Berbe

Pal Berbe is the candidate for mayor of Roodt in Porsgrunn.

Photo: Martin Torstveit/NRK

– They’d better come out and say what the real problem is. We don’t have an energy problem now, but we sell most of our energy outside Norway. This is the challenge.

Burpee doesn’t believe in wind power as a long-term solution to the energy problem.

-We must be more energy efficient here and now and start doing so immediately. We should look at solar energy where we have the opportunity. It is also important to look at alternative sources such as research into nuclear energy.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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