12 electricity proposals have been approved by Parliament

12 electricity proposals have been approved by Parliament

Parliament will approve 12 of 94 different electricity offers for the opposition. More solar power and more support for single-use measures are among the things elected by the elected representatives.

Five of the proposals were unanimously endorsed by the Committee on Energy and Environment in its recommendation after the Extraordinary Electricity Meeting of the European Parliament on 19 September.

It is now clear that seven more proposals will get FRP votes and therefore a majority when Parliament votes on the proposals on Tuesday. Among these, four are about solar energy, while three are about energy-saving measures and power grid development.

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Solar energy

In all, the Norwegian parliament will say “yes” to a total of five proposals on solar energy. Among other things, Parliament is asking the government to consider temporarily or for a limited period exempting smaller solar power plants from the obligation to apply under the Planning and Building Act.

– that is great. Now we have a real strength in solar energy. We are removing many barriers for rapid development of solar panels in warehouses, warehouses, production facilities and homes, says Storting Bård representative Ludvig Thorheim (H) for everything.

The Conservative Party is behind four of the solar energy proposals.

And according to the Altinget newspaper, the government parties Ap and Sp will also thumbs through the proposals.

One-time measures for low-income families

Additionally, the FRP secures a majority in Parliament to ask the government to consider boosting Husbanken’s work with energy measures for low-income families.

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This could be done, for example, by creating a temporary loan scheme that could be used to install heat pumps, re-insulate buildings and other relevant single-use measures, in conjunction with existing single-use schemes, the proposal states.

The proposal was launched by the Millennium Development Goals, which is behind the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the Iraqi Kurdistan Party, the Liberal Party, Reddit, and finally the Freedom and Justice Party. This guarantees the majority.

– This is a good day, but Parliament should have been more solid and put money on the table. In addition to targeted support for low-income families, everyone should cover half of their electricity and solar bills, says Une Bastholm from the Millennium Development Goals to NTB.

– Hit those who struggle

FRP understands that there is no majority for the party’s primary position on the electricity price cap.

This is a good suggestion, and it strikes those who are struggling by giving them the opportunity to introduce a number of single-use measures, says Fribs Marius Arion Nielsen VG.

Storting also requires the government to ensure that network companies adopt new technology that increases the use of existing network infrastructure.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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