Bishop’s Easter Date –

Bishop's Easter Date -

Easter is a word with many additional words that have followed us for a long time already. Easter eggs, Easter chickens, Easter bunnies, Easter lamb, Easter cream, Easter candles, Easter flight, Easter holiday and not least; Easter weather. I smile to myself at all the creativity around me.

Mørebiskop Ingeborg Midtømme reveals the trick behind the “Resurrection bowls,” and otherwise reflects on Easter traditions and its significance.
picture: private / shutterstock (compilation)

Creativity that says something about property for Easter. My contribution to the creative direction is baking “resurrection cakes” or Easter cakes, and I know many have embraced the idea and got a new twist on baking bread for Easter.

Some of all this is particularly Norwegian. Some of them have long cultural traditions and some of them we have imported. Everyone in our country has a connection in one way or another with Easter. Those of us who have grown up here and started to pull off a bit over the years, perhaps remember the thrill of peeling a blood orange at Easter? How red will it be? Or do we remember the long Friday when everything was closed, regarding the earnest Good Friday message about Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross?

Grandtantes Bible

I grew up in a city. A few of us had a cabin to fly in, so we were home. I remember we kids in the dorm got chalk, so we could draw heaven on the asphalt and let us jump with shoes instead of shoes. I remember the quiet of deserted streets with closed shops, and the sound of church bells in the festive season.

I remember Aunt Joanna’s big illustrated Bible which I had to carefully turn over. I remember the black-and-white copies of famous artwork that told me of the honoring of Palm Sunday, the betrayal of Maundy Thursday, and the death of Good Friday and the angel outside the empty tomb on Easter morning.

Church on YouTube

We have lived for two years with varying degrees of closedness to society. Churches also had to remain closed; Even at Easter! How should we communicate what we had in mind? The creativity was great. The learning curve was steep, but it led to greater access to the church’s mission than ever before.

Worshipers after worshipers began broadcasting services on their Facebook page or in other channels. The Norwegian Church nationwide posted short lyrics all night long on YouTube. Children’s singing is now available digitally. Organists played hymns and other church music that was shared on various channels. Digital bean wallpapers have been introduced. Walls to light candles for someone or something that sets us apart. Accessibility is greater than ever and affiliation reinforced.


Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter amid the Corona crisis

New rooms of faith

In the midst of all the closing, new rooms opened. New rooms for faith. Many have expressed what this means for their life situation. I am excited about what these experiences will mean in the future – both for the individual and for the churches. With the slower pace of society and the pace of everyday life, there was more room for life’s big questions. Questions that we Norwegians don’t ask so easily in words. Big surveys show that there is a lot of hidden faith. Lots of silent faith. Silent prayer is expressed through lit candles.

The one who coined the words for many of the texts is Ole Paus. His song “This is starting to become a life here, it’s starting to sound like a prayer”, is a bare, weak expression of a yearning for belonging and faith. In a careful way, he puts into words the gist of what Jesus said and did. It expresses what God’s love entails.

Who comes to me when others die Who gets left behind Who dares to look behind all I’ve done and still calls himself a friend Who can stand seeing me as I am and loves me as a son Life begins here begins to seem like a prayer

Faith is a community

Faith is basically about community. Fellowship, not exclusion. The Christian faith is about fellowship with God. The Christian message is that we are loved. We are loved as we are, not as we think. loved as a son. As someone who belongs to the family no matter what happens. The son will always be the son. One of the powerful stories about exactly this, is Luke (who holds the Christmas Gospel) quoting Jesus. It is a tale of one father and two sons. In my childhood, there were no major titles in Bible editions, and yet the stories got names. The parable I was referring to was about the prodigal son. I think the headline probably scared a lot of people off into the text. Then came the “good news”. The New Will in Paperback – With Illustrations. The headline then became “The Lost Son,” a tale in which many can identify themselves.

In 2011, we received new versions of the Bible. Now the headline is “The Son Who Came Home”. We’ve spent a lot of time at home the past two years. During this time, many also found their way back – the way back home.

Recipe with marshmallows

The basic concept in the Christian faith is reconciliation. We are at the service of atonement. One of the essential Easter hymns reads: “My God, my good God, my heaven is now open!” Take it with you. I hope this year’s Easter will allow for continued questioning about what happened at Easter in Jerusalem that brought us Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the incomprehensible Easter morning. I hope that the Chambers of Faith will remain open – also for the individual – and that we who have taken on the responsibility of keeping churches open – in every way – do.

Back to cake baking, to Easter cakes. The only additional ingredient is marshmallows. Place half of the marshmallows into each bowl while it is rolled and shaped to rise. Cut a cross over each bowl. When they are fried, there is a large cavity inside the bowl after the sweet marshmallows have melted. At the top is the cross – or cross – which is empty.

A new children’s song says:

On Golgotha ​​there was a cross. Jesus died on the cross. In the garden there was a tomb. Jesus lay in that tomb. But the cross is empty. The tomb is empty. Jesus rose alive! The cross is empty. The tomb is empty. Jesus rose alive!


Six things you might not know about Easter traditions


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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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