Freya Walrus, Biology | Of course Freya belongs here

Freya Walrus, Biology |  Of course Freya belongs here

columnist This text expresses the author’s personal opinions.

One argument makes me scratch my fingers: “Freya doesn’t belong here.”

It’s seen as gaseous, artificial, probably as a result of global warming, or maybe cooling, I don’t know. It is said, however, that she does not belong here, and therefore can be shot.



Of course Freya belongs here. All the animals that managed to get to Norway on their own – belong here.

I see biologist Bear Espenfield also using the “belonging here” argument, but I think it’s based on a somewhat outdated view of what nature is and how it is.

Nature is not in perfect equilibrium, and there is no museum either. Such a nature would not last – it would not have even existed. Nature depends on small differences and random events. This is what drives evolution.

Without evolution, the world would have stopped, and we humans would still be single-celled animals, swimming in the primordial sea.

So on the rare occasions walruses swim in the Oslo Fjord, that’s how it should be. It’s a sign of good health – and the walrus sure belongs here.

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Shoot Freya!

Nature changes

Here we are, in fact, in one of the blind spots of the environmental movement – that nature is changing.

Yes, we change nature, but it also changes on its own. We can’t keep the world the way it was when we were kids – no matter how much we longed for it. Forests are growing again, and species are on the move. get back to it.

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Contributes to extinction

Therefore, in my opinion, Freya should not be shot. Why should we shoot anything unusual? Anything we don’t like? Or anything that could be dangerous?

At one point, these situations may have contributed to the extinction of megafauna – all the large animals that lived on Earth before humans began spreading a few tens of thousands of years ago. Perhaps the most important reason was that we didn’t know what we were doing.

Half of the huge animals were gone after a short time. In Africa 18 percent have disappeared, in Europe 36 percent, in North America 72 percent, South America 82 percent, and in Australia, 88 percent of all large animals have become extinct. Mammoths, mastodons, giant deer and musk ox, sloths the size of elephants and armadillos the size of public transport bubbles.

We miss a lot, because she was killed by people in the Stone Age, long before our time.


The reason it didn’t happen that badly for the animals in Africa is because humans grew up there. Animals got to know humans before they evolved into perfect hunters.

On the other hand, the mammoths of Europe met the wisest and best hunters in the world.

If some aspiring walrus hunters of our time were reacting to my argument that 50,000-year-old cavemen were wiser than they were – they probably were.


Anyway, today we end up in a situation where humans take over as much as 38 percent of what the planet can produce. We also occupy a much larger part of the territory – through agriculture, cities, etc. This means that there will be tens of millions of fewer species left for the rest of the world. These are mostly small reptiles, and a few large animals. Our ancestors took care of most of them.

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And we continue a tradition we are proud of: Since the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, we have reduced the number of trees on Earth by half, from 6 trillion to 3 trillion. Fortunately and fortunately, we see a tendency for the world to become greener today, but all our actions have nonetheless increased the rate of species extinction by 100 to 1000 times.

Species are going extinct, we may be on the brink of a ‘sixth extinction’.

With that as background, maybe we should learn to master Freya – learn to live with it – rather than shoot her. The same goes to some extent for wolves, bears, and wolverines as well.

But this is just my opinion.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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