Debate, Kindergarten | Post to Karmøylista about Kindergarten

Debate, Kindergarten |  Post to Karmøylista about Kindergarten

reader speech This is an entry in the discussion, written by an external contributor. The publication expresses the views of the author.

In Aves from Haugesund on July 18, a group of Karmøylista made some ludicrous claims about Karmøy SV and its left-wing kindergarten politics. They claim that our policy will eliminate the nursery offer at Karmoy because families themselves cannot decide which nursery school to choose in a “free” nursery school selection. This is such a major misunderstanding of SV’s Child Care and Welfare Policy that we feel compelled to respond.

It should be clear first that Karmøy SV is not against private kindergartens per se; We are against private commercial nurseries.

Remember: it was the SV in the government that at that time began working on the full coverage of kindergartens in Norway, where we created a collaboration between public and private actors in the kindergarten sector.

Our view is that SV supports not-for-profit private daycare centers run by organizations or foundations with value-based purposes and the like, but wants to stop a very unfortunate development with private commercial daycare centers.

We are generally clear that the private sector’s marketing of social welfare services is a drain on tax dollars. Where the money should go to the children and the elderly, it is instead withdrawn for the profit that goes into the pockets of the owners. SV believes that every tax kroner that goes to welfare should go to welfare, not profit or end up in a tax haven.

When it comes to preschools in particular, the money should go for the children, not for profit. Therefore, SV Central will change legislation so that children in foster care benefit from all forms of public support and parental payments.

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W: Kindergarten barons are currently selling nurseries for the billions. Ideal and small kindergartens are compressed. If this continues, five large groups could potentially own half of all private kindergartens in Norway within seven years. This obviously means less variety and more standardization, less room for educational freedom and room for children’s own initiative.

So the absurd claim of Karmolista is that SV wants to demolish the kindergarten provision in Karmoye. The claim is easy to refute.

First: Municipalities provide the vast majority of social welfare services in Norwegian society, such as schools, kindergartens and elderly care. Therefore, one of the central objectives of the SV is to greatly strengthen the municipal economy, in order to ensure a quality sponsorship offer throughout the country.

Karmøylista is a local party with no national or regional roots, and has no opportunity to work towards strengthening Karmøy’s municipal economy through government transfers. Therefore Carmoillesta cannot be held responsible for its failure to act. So it’s no surprise that Karmøylista felt free to swing his boxing glove left and right.

Second: SV will work to increase the percentage of municipal kindergarten places in Karmoy, with the aim that the increase in places comes from the municipality, not private ones. Wherever possible, private nurseries that are closed or sold should be taken over by the municipality of Karmoy. SV believes that Karmøy needs more municipal kindergartens and fewer for-profit ones.

Karmøy SV’s goal is that all tax money in the form of government subsidies and rebates should be used for daycare operations, not go to profit.

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Third: SV wants all children in Karmoy to have the right to a nursery in their local area. The basic rule should be that everyone should have the first right to a place in kindergarten within his or her school district. If there is no kindergarten in the school district, you must obtain a place in a kindergarten in the nearest school district.

SV generally believes that we need kindergartens with a good educational provision, good cooperation with schools and a clear place in the many communities of the municipality. Kindergarten Neighborhood facilitates better and more comprehensive cooperation between kindergarten and school.

If all this is understood as scraping a kindergarten show, which Karmøylista clearly does, we live in an underdeveloped country.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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