In a lingerie store that changes lingerie, employees must “positively control” their customers

In a lingerie store that changes lingerie, employees must “positively control” their customers

Many customers interact with tired salespeople at the lingerie store “Change Lingerie.” The group calls it “positive dominance.”

The short version

Have you noticed that the staff at the lingerie store “Change Lingerie” is a little more active?

Influencer Frida Holland describes it as one of the “wildest” things she has ever experienced.

In the comment field, anonymous Tik Tok– Many of them shared their negative experiences with the series.

Aftenposten spoke with a former employee and an interviewee at the company. They say that employee behavior is not random.

Benefit from the customer

– You must have the upper hand over the customer, and you must get him into the fitting room and make him buy more.

This is what a woman previously worked for Change in Sandnes for more than four years, as a cleaning assistant and Personal shopperPersonal shopperPersonal shoppers are trained bra experts who will find the right size, fit and style of bra.. She does not want to reveal her name, but Aftenposten knows her identity.

She says employees should stand at the store exit, so they can catch passers-by. She's been trained to say, “Hey, what will Do I do for you today?”

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-You are not allowed to ask yes/no questions. Then the client could reject you, she says.

ChangeLingery has more than 50 stores in Norway.

Staff should also ask if the client has been measured before. If they answer no, they should take the client to the fitting room, so they can take measurements. In the fitting room, they have to find different models of bras, which the customer has to try on.

Even if a customer just wanted a bra and a pair of panties, they had to bring other things as well, the former employee says. She describes it as uncomfortable.

– Some customers have left the store because they thought it was overpriced. They feel like you're out to take their money, she says.

Role play during the interview

In 2023, Madeleine Sandness was called for a second interview at the lingerie store in the Storro Shopping Centre. Portions of the interview were conducted in the store while employees and customers were there.

– She says: I found it very uncomfortable.

When the interview was over, she was told that she should play a role in the center's lobby. She had to explain how to receive customers.

Lingerie-changing recruitment involves interviewing and role-playing.

“What can I help you with,” Sandness said while role-playing. This was a mistake, and she was asked several times to try again.

“I made several attempts, and I started to feel uncomfortable,” she says.

She was also told to say “what.” will “Do I do for you today?” Sandness repeated the sentence. But this time her tone was wrong.

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Sandnes responded to how customers were welcomed into the store. This has been explained by the word “positive dominance.”

-Put six more bras in the box

Influencer Frida Holland spoke about her experience with change on the podcast Coffee pot.

– They will help you, but sometimes I like to decide for myself what I will spend my money on. “It would have been really nice, but I know it's not possible,” she says.

Influencer Frida Holland (TV) interacts with vendors at Change Clothing.  Here with fellow podcaster Oion Krug.

She found a bra she wanted to buy. In the fitting room, female employees came in with other bras that they thought would fit Holland better. But Holland said she didn't want another bra, she says.

-It was one of the wildest things I've ever experienced. When we got to the closet, she had placed six other bras in similar colors, Holland says on the podcast.

I found the salesperson so stressed that she ended up buying the bra she didn't want.

And matching leggings.

Change Clothing has personal shoppers who will take a customer's measurements in a fitting room to find the right bra.

Positive dominance

Beate Higley is Managing Director and owns 25 percent of Change Scandinavia in Norway. She explains that positive dominance is an internal description used in coaching to better explain their desire to help the client.

She explains that a customer should not ask for help or feel forced to buy something.

-We want to show girls and women that there is a perfect bra for them with a carefully adjusted size.

Staff development is a key component

In the training, it was made clear that they were providing relevant solutions and products to customers, explains Higley.

“But we stop when the customer says no or is satisfied with what they find,” she says.

Customers gave the change a satisfaction score of 8.9 out of 10, Higley says.

– This is something we are very happy with, but we want to be better. She says staff training and development has been and will continue to be key to this.

It is common in all jobs, regardless of level, that applicants who come for an interview meet in the shop on the floor first. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate how the store helps the customer in practice, and the candidate can try for themselves.

-We also use role-playing games. “It's not just about us getting to know the candidates, but they also get to know our vision, level of service, and what it's like to work with us,” she explained.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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