A beautiful party menu, 3 courses and a vegetarian drink are offered by Andreas Offenburg and Friedrich Golbeck

A beautiful party menu, 3 courses and a vegetarian drink are offered by Andreas Offenburg and Friedrich Golbeck

Do you want to impress your guests with new dishes and create a good atmosphere around the table? To complement with a simple, comprehensive three-course dinner, with a matching drink? We’ve selected the perfect party menu from the new book ‘Det serveres’ – and it’s delicious for both the palate and the eyes! Perfect as a vegetarian option on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

Welcome drink: rum champagne and ice sides

For one drink

We think it’s really fun to be able to use Norwegian products, like in this drink where we used Norwegian ice sides.

Icy sides are the dessert side with concentrated tart apple flavour. It is a wonderful Norwegian product that can be enjoyed on its own or in various drinks. This is a tart little bomb of a drink and works perfectly as a welcome drink for a New Year’s party where you will have many guests visiting.

Champagne rooms and ice sides.

you need:

2 cl brown rum

4 baskets of ice

10 cl of sparkling wine

1 small sprig of fresh rosemary

Ingredients, decorate

50 grams of sugar

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1 orange

Half a lemon

Heres how to do it:

Place a large ice cube in a cup. Top with rum, chilled sides and sparkling wine. Stir gently with a spoon and place a small sprig of rosemary over the ice cube.

To decorate

Place the sugar, cinnamon, and orange peel in a blender and blend until everything is combined. Distribute the sugar mixture on a plate. Squeeze the lemon juice into a deep dish. Dip the cups in the lemon juice and then in the sugar mixture. The juice makes the sugar stick.

Appetizer: celery root fried in butter

For 4 people

This dish consists mostly of celery root, celery root, celery root, a little rosemary, and lots of butter. Guests have commented several times that they didn’t know celery root could taste so good, which most of them do when soaked in butter.

Here, the celery root is layered, bound together and fried in butter. Baste the foaming butter constantly until the celery root is completely soft and has a good frying crust. Butter Roasted Celery Root is served with tangy celery root puree and iridescent rosemary oil.

Celery root fried in butter.

Celery root fried in butter.

you need:

250 grams of celery root

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1 tablespoon neutral oil

100 grams of dairy butter

3 cloves of garlic

250 grams of celery root

2 tablespoons white vinegar

Salt and Pepper

6 teaspoons rosemary oil

Heres how to do it:

Celery root

Wash and peel the celery root. Cut it into thin slices 1-2 mm thick on a mandoline. Make four sets of 10-15 layers of celery root slices. Cut the stacks into roughly rectangles. 15 x 2 cm. Then we tie the rectangles together tightly with string, until they are ready to fry. Sit aside. Collect all the trimmings to use in the mash.

Celery root puree

Boil a pot of lightly salted water. Cut the rest of the celery root into pieces (about 200-300g) and cook them together until tender, with the head cut off, in lightly salted water. Process and finely chop thin pieces of celery root in a blender with white wine vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Then press the puree through a fine mesh sieve for a softer consistency.

Celery root fried in butter

Heat a tablespoon of oil over medium to high heat in a frying pan. Place the assembled celery root layer side down, the side where you can see all the layers, in the roasting pan. Fry until golden on both sides. Crush the garlic cloves with the flat side of a knife. Then reduce the heat to medium and add two tablespoons of butter along with the crushed garlic cloves. Once the butter is melted, begin scooping the melted butter over the celery root clumps. Do this for approx. For 15 minutes, turn the blocks in between and regularly add new tablespoons of butter to regulate the temperature of the butter so it does not burn. When the celery root clumps are completely tender, remove them from the pan. Place them on a paper towel and remove the thread.

On the plate

Place a tablespoon of puree in the middle of the plate and spread it gently with the back of a spoon. Add the celery root fried in butter to the puree and season with 1-2 teaspoons of rosemary oil.

Main course: gin pasta

For 4 people

This has to be without a doubt the pasta dish we make most times of the year. Explosive creamy flavor of tomato sauce with a generous amount of cheese – yes please! This truly is the definition of comfort food.

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Party menu is provided

Gin paste.

you need:

400 grams of pasta

3 leeks

3 cloves of garlic

50 grams dairy butter

1 teaspoon chili flakes

180 grams of tomato paste

0.5 dl gin

3 deciliters of cooking cream

1.5 dl of pasta water

150 grams of parmesan

1 bowl of basil

Salt and Pepper

2 mozzarella

Heres how to do it:


Cook pasta in lightly salted water according to package instructions.

tomato sauce

Finely chop the shallots and garlic cloves. Heat butter in a frying pan. Saute the shallots over medium heat for a few minutes until the onions are tender. Add the garlic and chili flakes and simmer for a few minutes. Add tomato paste and cook, stirring. The puree should darken, thicken and become slightly caramelized. This takes approx. 10 minutes Pour the gin into the tomato sauce. Cook, stirring, for a few minutes. Add the cream and leave the sauce to boil over low heat. When the pasta is cooked, reserve a cup of the pasta cooking water. Use the pasta water to thin the sauce until you get the desired consistency. We used approx. 1.5 dl of water. Grate the Parmesan cheese and add most of it to the sauce. Coarsely chop the basil and mix. Reserve some basil for garnish. Season with salt and pepper, then mix the pasta with the sauce.

On the plate

Divide the pasta among plates. Top with another grated Parmesan and basil. Cut the mozzarella cheese into portions and distribute it over the pasta. Grind some pepper.

Dessert: Apple blossom with egg gratin

For 4 people

Do you want to prepare a beautiful and delicious dessert, but you do not have enough time and have spent all your money on wine in the evening? Then this apple blossom might be something for you.

You need apples, eggs, butter, sugar, cinnamon, almonds, a gas stove, and a muffin baking tray. Add three-quarters of an hour, and you’ve got a warm apple blossom with gratin dish that could be the finishing touch to an excellent evening. If you don’t have a gas stove, it can be served without the egg gratin, but it would be a lot of fun with some flame.

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Party menu is provided

Apple blossom with egg gratin.

you need:

2 apples

4 teaspoons of brown sugar

4 teaspoons of white sugar

4 teaspoons of cinnamon

4 tablespoons of butter

1 egg

3 tablespoons of sugar

20 grams of almonds/skinned almonds

Heres how to do it:

Apple blossom

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees from top to bottom. Set approx. 5 dl of water to boil. Cut the apples in half and remove the stem and seeds. Then cut the apple into rough pieces. Slice 2mm thick on a mandolin or with a sharp knife. Then put it in a bowl with boiling water and leave it for a few minutes until it softens a little. Take the apple slices out of the water. Layer them across the seat in an almost long strip. 20-30 cm. Roll up four apple roses and place them in a muffin tray. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 1 teaspoon white sugar, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon over each apple blossom. Then put a tablespoon of butter on top of each apple blossom, then place the pan in the middle of the oven on a rack. Bake until the flowers are almost golden. 25-30 minutes.


Crack the egg into a bowl and add 3 tablespoons of sugar. Beat to stiff egg mixture.

On the plate

Place the apple blossom on the plate and then eat it roughly. 1 tablespoon of scrambled eggs on the side. Using a gas stove, brown the top of the egg casserole, sprinkle with some almond flakes or chopped almonds, and serve.

About the authors

Andreas Offenberg and Frederik Golbeck are known from their Instagram account @detserveresshares his experience of inviting many and inviting people to banquets, inspiring them with new ideas for everyday dinners and weekend relaxation.

Andreas and Frederic.

Andreas and Frederic.

Andreas and Frederik help you discover inspiration and joy in every meal. In their first cookbook, they do the work for you by creating menus featuring the best, in-season, easy-to-obtain Norwegian ingredients. The book contains drinks, appetizers, main courses and desserts for every occasion – and if you prefer to prepare a delicious main course for yourself and your loved ones, that’s allowed too. Relax your shoulders and enjoy the book’s original flavor combinations as well as the atmosphere you can create by and for you. Now you can safely welcome us to the table!

Makes an excellent Christmas gift!

Makes an excellent Christmas gift!

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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