Emily Hollow covers Matoma on the first song of the year, “Hver Gang vi Møtes”.

Emily Hollow covers Matoma on the first song of the year, “Hver Gang vi Møtes”.

The premiere of the fourteenth season of the series “Hver Gang vi Møstes” is approaching, which will be on screen as early as January 1.

As in previous seasons, seven artists gathered at Kjerringøy outside Bodø. On this year’s program are Tom Strait Lagergren (32), William Kristoffersen (72), Emily Hollow (25), Mary Bowen (66), Odin Staffelland (37), Ingrid Helen Havik (35), Ramon Torres Andersen (25). Who fulfill.

- Maybe this is a bit extreme

– Maybe this is a bit extreme

It’s Tom Stræte Lagergren, better known as Matoma, as this year’s first guest of honour.

Although there’s still a week and a half until the season premiere, TV 2 has now shared the first song from the upcoming season, an Emelie Hollow cover of “False Alarm,” albeit in Norwegian.

Tears: Many people cried when Emily Hollow covered

Tears: Many people cried when Emily Hollow covered “False Alarm.” Photo: Vegard Bry/TV2
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Already in the first episode, it may seem that emotion is in full swing, and both guest stars Lagergren and Hollo cry — perhaps not for the last time in the season.

- Maybe he's afraid of me

– Maybe he’s afraid of me

There appears to be a smiling, impressed Lagergren clapping to the music, while confetti falls from the ceiling.

As for the remaining songs, eager TV viewers will have to be patient and wait until next year.

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Last year, it was Emma Steinbakken’s (20) version of “Floden” that was first released on TV 2.

The song has swept the charts and become the most played song on Spotify Norway in 2023. At the time of writing, it has reached nearly 30 million plays on the streaming service.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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