A new agent that can increase life expectancy – dagsavisen

A new agent that can increase life expectancy – dagsavisen

On Monday, American researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine published a new study, which showed that the lifespan of mice increases when certain cells in the brain are activated. He writes Teach daily.

In this study, researchers determined how important communication and feedback between the brain and the body's fatty tissue are in producing energy throughout the body.

The research suggests that the gradual deterioration of this feedback loop contributes to an increase in health problems commonly associated with the aging process.

Stop talking together

Studies in recent years have proven that communication between the body's organs plays a central role in the degree of aging. When the lines of communication are open, the body's organs and systems work well together.

But as we age, these lines of communication deteriorate, and the organs don't receive the molecular and electrical impulses they need to function properly, the researchers report in the new study.

Researchers have identified a group of neurons in the brain that send signals to fatty tissue in the body to release energy when they are active. They studied mice that had been programmed to open this communication pathway all the time, after reaching a certain age.

The researchers found that these mice were more physically active, showed signs of delayed aging, and lived longer than mice in which the communication pathway itself gradually declined as part of normal aging.

Advanced biohacking

This study is one of many in what may seem like a research race at the moment, as researchers try to identify factors that could give us longer, healthier lives.

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– Lead author Shin-ichiro Imai said regarding the publication of the results: – We have shown a way to delay aging and extend healthy lifespan in mice by manipulating an important part of the brain.

Demonstrating this effect in mammals is an important contribution to this field. Previous work showing lifespan extension in this way has been done in less complex organisms, such as worms and fruit flies, Imai said.

In the future, many researchers hope to find an advanced form of biohacking that far surpasses today's modest attempts to trick biology through diet, technological aids such as heart rate monitors, and exercise.

He could live forever

One of those interested in everything we can do to slow down the aging process is Elisabeth Lingard, with whom Dagsavisen recently spoke about the key to a long, healthy life. She believes that an active life in which body and soul are in balance is about quantity, continuity and variety.

It accommodates research being conducted in the field of biohacking.

– Biohacking is about tricking genes, twisting them a little bit, turning them on and off, and not giving them what is called muscular dystrophy, that is, muscle wasting. For example, you may have a genetic predisposition to being overweight. You may have a genetic predisposition to depression. It is the body's budget. But the account can show something completely different, which is how you act with the resources you have. When you see that the budget looks dark, you have to make a bump here and there so that the accounts are better than the budget. This is the case with genes.

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– Theoretically, you can therefore live forever?

– Theoretically, yes. After all, they work and look for it. Researchers believe that living to the age of 120 is no longer unrealistic today.

This is how they lived for 100 years

Swedish researchers at Karolinska Institutet have also conducted research into lifespan, and found three main reasons why some people live to be over 100(+) in a new study conducted on the blood of 44,000 people.

The largest study in the world conducted over such a long period of time compares the vital signs in people who live a very long time with those in those who live a shorter period.

– They particularly tend to have low levels of blood sugar, creatinine and uric acid, says lecturer and associate professor Karin Modig, who leads the research group “Aging and Health” at the Department of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet.

Also, blood cholesterol and iron levels were often more beneficial in those who were older – not too high and not too low.

The study conducted on 100-year-olds was recently published in the journal Gyroscience.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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