Adam Schgulberg is upset about the fact of the draw: – Meaningless – VG

Adam Schgulberg is upset about the fact of the draw: – Meaningless – VG
SKEPTIC: Adam Schgulberg (left) has a bad feeling about the show, with Jan Formo, Jan Thomas, and YouTube cyclist Marius Hagen playing central roles.

Adam Schgulberg (39 years old) reacts forcefully to the fact that it is heterosexual celebrities who “shine on the floor” in the new Discovery TV project.


– I think it’s a shame. Comedian Adam Schulberg tells VG that it would have been cooler if the real drag queens could do it themselves, because they deserved it.

– In the same way it gives bad taste when straight actors are praised for playing queer roles, I have a bad feeling here.

VG . has been mentioned New TV concept, titled “Drag Me Out,” which is based on 12 famous people who “take their first ride as drag queens.” The TV channel announced that the investment should be included On the occasion of the perverted cultural year 2022.

Scholberg posted a written sigh of relief on Friday InstastoryWhere the concept is compared to the so-called Pink Wushingwho plays on money laundering and points to the fact that commercial powers are using the LGBTQ issue in marketing.

«Or take advantage of queer culture. Then I forgot a bit that the reason drag racing, for example, has become a global phenomenon, is precisely because gays themselves inform queer culture.‘,” Schulberg writes.

INSTA message: Adam Schjølberg at Instastory Friday.

Schgulberg believes that it is “absolutely absurd that Norwegian heterosexual celebrities would swing into wearing high heels”. The 39-year-old says he has received many statements of support since he posted a message on Instagram

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– Here heterosexuals should shine on the ground, but homosexuals are more qualified to tell their story. it’s a The Which should shine, says the comedian, known among other things, “Homsepatruljen”, “71°N: Norway’s most powerful celebrity” and “Sofa”.

Schjølberg was previously Pride Quarrel with Jean Thomas (55)who is among the judges in “Drag Me Out”.

— but I can hope that Jean Thomas has made a complete transformation and is now faithful to all queer culture.

TV celebs: Adam Schjølberg, here during a meeting with VG in 2018.

The comedian says he thinks it’s hard to believe Janne Formoe and Jan Thomas are “most qualified to run a show on queer culture.”

— but I can hope that hostess Jean Formy (46) is an inner gay icon that is thriving right now. But he says I don’t fully threaten him.

Schgulberg fears that the program will confirm the stereotype of the culture with only gloss and nonsense.

– There is so much more.

Drag-Youtuber Marius “Pamela Pam” Hagen, 32, is a judge. Schgulberg wishes him and the other guides good luck.

I hope they don’t have to stand on the sidelines when it’s a celebration of their own culture. But I hope I’m wrong and the show will focus only on that – and not tell the same heterosexual celebrity story for the eleventh time.

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Schgulberg confirms that he has not seen the programme. Nor does he doubt that the intention is good.

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I look forward to watching the series and I hope it’s all I’m afraid of not He is.

Discovery’s senior communications advisor, Ola-Magnus Svihus (42), told VG that it was strange to have to defend a program that had not yet been introduced. He distances himself from the “Pinkwashing” comparison that he thinks is wrong.

We invite heterosexuals into our culture, so they can learn more about it, both from the able Drag Queen guides and from the jury, says Svihus, who is himself gay.

Svihus says it’s totally wrong to have Marius Hagen on the sidelines – and he has full confidence in the qualifications of Formoes and Jan Thomas.

– This program may seem like just glamor and glamor, but when a heterosexual man puts on makeup, puts on high heels and thinks what it’s like to be different and special, something happens to him or her. , as Svihus believed.

It promises many reflections – and tears. And he can say that it is not only heterosexual participants.

– But when we have heterosexual men like Stian “Staysman” Thorbjørnsen and Leif Einar “Lothepus” Lothe, we feel like they can be a bridge between different groups and cultures across the country, and that’s a good thing.

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Svihus stresses the importance of drag culture.

It was the drag queens and transgender women who started the gay fight. They had no choice but to fight for their acceptance and legitimization.

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“Pull Me Out” is being recorded these days. Other celebrities who wore feathers and sequins when the show premiered later this spring are Hermann Dahl, Dedrick Soleil Tangin, Adrian Seefull, Magnus Devold, Esquil Pedersen, Peter Belgaard, Daniel Frank, Pal Anders Olivalsteer, Neumann Mubasher, and Eric Vollstadt.

The six mentors of the program are Skrellex, Puffie Mantrap, Zelda Illusion, Diva Dean, Naby Yeon Geisha and Tatjana Zapphire.

VG is in contact with Janne Formoe, who is busy with the recording and cannot comment. Jan Thomas did not respond to VG’s inquiries.

The management company of Erik Follestad, one of the participants in the program, is MaxSocialwholly owned by VGTV AS. VG’s editorial ratings are conducted independently of this. The editorial staff is free. Overview of links to profiles that maps to VG is available here.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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