Be proud of you! – VG

Be proud of you!  – VG

Pride is an important celebration of diversity, love, and the right to love whoever you want.


This is a captain. The leader expresses the position of VG. VG’s political editor is responsible for the leader.

The awareness that people are of equal value regardless of orientation by no means came of its own accord.

There is something symbolic in the fact that this year marks 50 years since the decriminalization of homosexuality in Norway.

When society has now moved so far as to be rainbow-colored in the Norwegian Parliament and pride takes a wide place in the public eye, it is time to express gratitude to the pioneers who championed their right to be who they are.

A lot could have been mentioned, but it’s impossible to get around the meaning of Kim Friele. Unfortunately, she left us last year, 86.

Friel couldn’t get the 50th anniversary of something she fought so hard for.

But the landmark 1972 abolition of homosexuality as a psychiatric diagnosis and the strengthening of legal protection against discrimination are cases in which Kim Friel’s efforts left a heavy imprint.

People of all kinds can now unleash the colorful party.

These are the core values ​​that a liberal democracy must properly defend.

Although we have come a long way, unfortunately the fight for equality is by no means over.

We will go no further than our neighboring Russia until we see that gays have to hide their orientation and risk being violent, just because of those they love.

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In countries like Poland and Hungary, we see stark examples of the persecution of homosexuals, with politicians inciting hatred against a vulnerable minority. Later this year, football will meet for the World Cup in Qatar, where homosexuality is prohibited by law.

Here in Norway, the development has been undoubtedly positive, but also with us we witness that homosexuals experience anger and aggression.

We now see aggression in the public debate about pride that may seem stronger than it has been for a long time, and of course it is the circumstances surrounding this movement that are worth discussing.

But in discussions such as those around transgender people, there is no doubt about who the vulnerable group is.

Perhaps it has never been more to remember what pride is actually all about: appreciating the right to be and to be loved.

It does not harm exposure whether you are young or old.

No one should be forced to go to a parade, but we should be very happy that Pride Month exists and that so many people would like to celebrate something beautiful together.

There really is reason to be proud!

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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