blame debates | We must have confidence and space for the individual

blame debates |  We must have confidence and space for the individual

opinions This is the topic of discussion. The publication expresses the positions of the author.

To more squares I go on, until I see and hear more, and then become more and more convinced: The most important thing for us as human beings is to feel visible. Very easy and very difficult.

From experiences as an associate professor student and teacher, in the handball room training and playing and in different meeting rooms, this is a conclusion for me: If we feel visible and good enough, other things will fall into place – safety is established and we want to spend Our energy over other things. On the other hand, if we strive to feel seen, recognized, or accepted for who we are, then that feeling will overwhelm everything we try. And the actions that one wants to shout hello! Do you see me no?

last fall I participated in a gathering of Inland Cultural School Principals, as a school owner in the form of my position as Vice Mayor. During the show tour, it turned out that I was the only one from the political half of Maidan present at this meeting. When I said my name and position, that was welcomed. I did little to get the applause my first reaction was, but there was something else beyond the applause.

Through the meeting, several committed managers spoke about how they think culture and the cultural sphere can contribute to solving the main challenges facing society and that municipalities must adapt to: more seniors, counteracting loneliness and protecting public health. They were prevented from contributing to solving problems because other service areas in the municipalities were not very interested in cooperation. They did not feel recognized or placed as resources in a broader perspective in the municipality.

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Lom municipality I arranged two resettlement meetings in the past year. Recent statistics show a positive development in population last year – versus normal, but I still think the point is: we can look in August at population and population statistics, but it’s about the individual. As long as everyone who wants to live in loom feels visible and usable, I don’t think it is important to determine our number.

When using commercial funds To support companies, it can also be tempting to try to find a recipe for a successful project and follow through, so that we only support successful companies. But, just like with humans, companies are different, need different things, and have different starting points. This is not how we find the recipe for gold. It’s about trial and error for the individual—and the support and appreciation that the community has—regardless of whether one is making sides or knit socks—is especially important.

We are still trying To create a system for things to be fair. When there is a new failure condition, a new routine is created, possibly a new report, to avoid the same errors from occurring in the future. It would make sense for one to see each event in isolation, but the sum total of this is the growth of bureaucracy, larger and more complex systems as the individual’s space becomes smaller. This is the opposite of what we need – we must have confidence and space for the individual.

to the right

Hurt by anyone else
It is withdrawn and needed.
But what’s worse than knowing
You are forbidden.

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There is so much in life
Wait and I will.
but more than that,
on the right.
Jan Magnus Broheim

Marit Slayten, Deputy Mayor of Lome

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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