Bømlo, News | It gained relatively good control of the large Bømlo fire

Bømlo, News |  It gained relatively good control of the large Bømlo fire

BØMLO: The message about grass and heather fires came at 15.59.

There is heavy smoke and the danger of it spreading. Police said emergency services were on their way.

Unmanned car from Haugesund

At 16.50, 110 Tor operator Kåre Steinskog told Avis from Haugesund that an unmanned vehicle from Haugesund was on its way.

– There are two people and a drone coming from Haugesund, Steinskog said.

At first, crews moved from Bremnes station, but eventually crews from Mosterhamn and a tanker from Lervik were called in. Additionally, Steinskog mentioned that it might be appropriate to use a helicopter from Sauda, ​​which was eventually captured and is now in place at Bømlo.

– difficult terrain

– Burning on both sides of the road and fire in rough terrain. That was the biggest challenge, Steinskog told Haugesund’s Avis at 5pm.

The area where South Håpollen is burning.

According to Operator 110, there should be no houses in the immediate vicinity.

– There is a building some distance away and it is secured by a fire engine, Steinskog told Avis from Haugesund.

It is still spreading

There is still a risk of further spreading into the forests and vegetation.

– There is currently little information available about the fire, the Sur-Vest Police District said on Twitter at 5.20pm.

Police also say the fire is spreading in a north-northeast direction.

At 17.45, almost two hours after the fire was reported, the possibilities for reducing the fire are now being assessed. The chopper from Sauda is now in place and in the air above the terrain where it is burning.

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As of now, it is not appropriate to evacuate homes or other buildings, the Sur West Police District has reported.

Far from stable

At 18.40, Avis from Haugesund spoke with duty manager Svein Nesse at the 110 switchboard.

– The fire has not subsided, we have no control, Nessi tells Haugesund’s Avis.

He says significant forces are still working at the site, including the helicopter.

He doesn’t have an overview of how much an area burns, but Steinskog says to BT That there is an area of ​​900 meters in one direction and 800 meters in the other direction, and this is not clear.

The area of ​​the burned area is 500-600 acres, According to BT.

Still working with shutdown

Only three hours later, the police reported that they had relatively good control of the fire.

– Boundary lines have been placed all along the road to the west and east. Police said a helicopter, fire trucks and tractors were working to douse the site.

The Directorate of Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness announced Saturday that it is further strengthening helicopter preparedness for wildfires at its home base in Furness through Sunday.

In all, there will be seven helicopters on standby in southern Norway this weekend, from Kjevik in the south to Fernes in the north. This is what NTB writes.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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