Christian Brynhovd talks about the madness that followed the film “Farmen kendis”:

Christian Brynhovd talks about the madness that followed the film “Farmen kendis”:

This year's season of “Celebrity Farm” has entered its second week — and it's looking very exciting so far. Anne Cat. Herland (51) retired from the farm, as did Daniel Frank (49) – and Bahari Viken (30) and Christian Brynhovd (24) ended up in another argument.

The quarrel between Viken and Brennhovd led to the latter receiving several hate messages. The 24-year-old posted a number of messages he received on social media.

- I don't always think about that

– I don't always think about that

The messages seen by Se og Hør are of a negative nature and contain harassing and insulting language.

Brynhovd told Se og Hør that the harassment he experienced was exactly what he had expected.

The full argument: After going off badly in the first week of “Farmen kjendis”, things escalated between Bahare Viken and Cristian Brennhovd. And that's how it went when we invited them to resolve the conflict. Video: Thea Hope/Red Runner
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– Distinguishing between reality and television

-I saw him coming from several miles away. I actually forgot about it over the summer, but then I realized the episode was coming. Then I thought: “Damn! Soren, this looks 'bad,'” he says and continues:

But Bahari and I had a fight, and there was no bad atmosphere. I apologized for my behavior. I understand people get upset, see it on TV and really empathize with the situation. The weather will be bad.

- My father has given up

– My father has given up

– What do you think about the ugly messages you receive?

-I think there must be something wrong with the adults. My parents or any adult I know wouldn't bother doing it there. It's weird spending time “going to someone's DMs” to make comments like that, because of something they're watching on TV. It's good TV, it would be boring if nothing happened. I think I've made the show more interesting – some people may not be able to differentiate between reality and what's happening on TV.

grouchy: A heated conflict arises between the big farmer and Christian Brynhovd during the first election for the first champion of the year in “Farmen Kjendis”. Video: TV2 / Red Runner / Jessica M. Szymanska
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– He takes the law into his own hands

The reason Brynhovd chose to publish some of the letters he received — along with the full names of the senders — was because he was “fed up.”

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– If people knew this was coming out, they wouldn't bother sending letters – I think. Hence it will be embarrassing for them if their employer or boss sees that they are sending threatening messages to a 24-year-old. One man said he would hit me if he saw me outside, which was embarrassing for the people involved. I think young people have a better sense of the internet than people over 40.

The threats Brynhovd receives are primarily aimed at harming him. He says no one has threatened his life yet.

-Do you report the threats you receive to the police?

– I think the police spend a lot of time on such matters, and I don't have time for a trial or something like that right away. I don't really like that, and I'd rather do collective punishment and take the law into my own hands. I know deep down that they wouldn't hit me if they met me in town. There is very little possibility of that.

Rage against television 2

Rage against television 2

-Stuck in the mountains

The 24-year-old says he has already deleted a lot of hate messages, and that he blocks users who send him hate. Eventually, this task became too big, so he chose to inform his followers of the possibility of making the messages public.

– Now I haven't received any more messages. It got quiet.

Brynhovd explains that he takes the threats with overwhelming calm, and says that it is “perfectly fine” for him. However, he traveled far from Oslo to get away for a while.

-I think it's a good idea to go up the mountain a little when the cold is at its worst. “I posted on Instagram that I ran into the mountains to hide, where no one would recognize me with the glasses,” he says, laughing.

NEARBY: Monika Gustad and Christian Brynhovd deny PR stunt with a kiss
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– Intolerance

– Do you feel that TV2 is taking care of you in all of this?

– Yes, they warned me in advance and told me that maybe I should take a break from social media. They said I could only call if I needed to and that they had a psychiatrist available if I needed one. I was well taken care of, TV 2 is very good there. I'm very happy with TV 2, everything as a whole was very good.

- There is a plan

– There is a plan

See and He listens He reported this case to TV 2, and all the harassment Brynhovd suffered as a result of “Farmen kjendis”. They stress that they do not tolerate incitement and harassment.

– It is good to hear that Christian feels that TV 2 takes care of him, but it is sad that he receives incitement and hatred. 'Farmen Celebrity' is a popular program that attracts viewers, but this kind of response and comments is in no way acceptable and is something we have zero tolerance for, says 'Farmen Celebrity' press contact, Cyril Fatney-Meling.

Read also: Towards TV 2: – Strange to watch

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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