Clear message to the people of the cabin

Clear message to the people of the cabin

In the run-up to the big winter, the health service in both the large alpine and cabin municipalities of Trisil and Hemstell is ready to take care of injuries and “normal” illnesses.

But there is no Omigron or other corona infection within the municipal boundaries.

Therefore, municipalities offer similar advice to guests:

Anyone who feels positive and negative on the test should go home and seek medical help there.

With a population of 6,600, Trice is the only municipality in the world where the incidence of the disease is declining. As one The largest cottage municipalities in the country With a large ski resort, Trice is expecting 40,000 guests from outside for Christmas and New Year.

Hiteby: Trisil Fajersen before last Easter.  Photo: Lise serud / NTB.

Hiteby: Trisil Fajersen before last Easter. Photo: Lise serud / NTB.
See also

Opens the test station

– What happens if an explosion in the triceps spreads immediately?

– Our emergency rooms are set up to deal with injuries and health problems during a normal pre-infection season. There will also be an open-air checkpoint for Govt-19 between 10-17 daily. But we are not set up to handle any major epidemics within municipal boundaries. We ask everyone who has positive tests and feels bad to go home and seek the help of their local health service. If you can avoid traveling, it’s also important that visitors do not get too close contact here, says municipal chief physician Hannah Ridlow in Trisil to Dogplatet.

Do not be afraid of infection from the outside

– Are you afraid of infection from foreign guests?

– Large groups of Swedes, Danes and Britons from other countries. They are also coming this winter. Danes and Swedes are well versed in infection control in neighboring countries.

– and the English are excellent at using masks. In addition, they meet with many definite information when they arrive. Infection from the outside is not the biggest fear now, says the Trisil municipal chief physician.

Both the tourism department and the municipality’s health service are well prepared for a big visit.

– Those who work in ski resorts and those who work with tourists have learned a lot about infection control since the onset of the epidemic. In addition, there are some other factors that may be in favor of tricycle. Outward infection seems to be less. Most recently during the government’s austerity earlier this week, the Prime Minister called for outdoor life. Also known as the place for families and small groups in Trice, they usually meet. The mayor also points out that the staff on the alpine slopes are well-trained so that skiers can keep their distance in the lift rows.

Omigron: The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that the omigran variant of the corona virus already exists in most countries of the world. The spread takes place at high speed. Video: A.P.
See also

Infection blooms on the hemisphere

Hemsett’s call is also clear. Mayor Paul Rorby (Sp) urges many ski and cabin guests to be “especially careful.”

– Everyone who feels a little small, we recommend driving to your home municipality and the health care there. Otherwise, he says, health people in Hemsett are ready to take care of normal winter injuries and other things.

Despite the proliferation of cases of the disease over the past two weeks, the municipality of Hemsdale is controlling the situation ahead of Christmas and New Year’s weekends.

Closing the liquor service by the government is difficult for après ski resorts, but otherwise most restaurants will remain open.

The alpine slopes are nice with snow, and Mayor Paul Rorby (SP) welcomes skiers and cabin crew with distance and infection control rules.

60 cases of infection

– Our municipality is making some preparations regarding the release this fall. We seem to have withdrawn it, especially when diagnosing infections. The mayor of Dockbladet says there are and are about 60 infections in Hemsett, both in kindergartens, schools and visitors.

The first case of Omigran infection was diagnosed on Monday this week, but there was no “wild infection” in the 2,500-strong municipality in the mountains between east and west.

On good ski days it is twice as common in Hemstell and 10 times more in skis and cabins during peak seasons.

– The Omigron-infected person was in contact with someone who was traveling.

Vinje in Telemark is one of the largest cottage municipalities in the country.

The Easter holiday came almost suddenly after the outbreak nearly two years ago, when Mayor John Richard Cleven (SP) drew national attention with warnings of long-distance and hospital eruptions in a municipality.

A municipality with 3,700 permanent residents does not have a health service capable of dealing with explosions among 25,000 Easter guests.

And Clevan was denounced as a “Nazi mayor.”

Ahead of Christmas and New Year, Vinje Meyer comes to the municipality’s cabin with a very clear “welcome” – until they are reasonably convinced that they are not carriers of the corona virus in any way.

– Now we have the equipment

– The big difference is that now we have infection control tools like bandages and Plexiglas. The Easter holiday in 2020 came shortly after the outbreak began in March. We do not have such equipment, and we know little or nothing about what might come of it, at the same time as the development of the Omigron infection tightens the government’s control of the infection the next day, Mayor Cleven tells Dagbladet.

Vinje Municipality has registered twelve cases of Govt-19 disease. None of them were diagnosed with Omigran infection.

– With two seasonal experience, infection in rooms is very low. Nearly two years later, Vinjay Meyer says most people are much better prepared to defend themselves and others.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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