Debate, culture | room for success

Debate, culture |  room for success

Opinions This is a discussion post. The publication expresses the opinions of the writer.

In 1976 then Fyllingsdalen Theater Daylight, bringing together children and young people who wanted to look behind the stage curtain and find the joy of theater locally in Fyllingsdalen – to the delight of the audience and themselves.

Almost 50 years later, the theater of our dreams is too small for us, and we hope we can celebrate our anniversary in 2026 by putting the shovel in the ground for a new theater building – while making room for more successes in our region.

From its beginning, Theater Felingsdalen has been about creating a stage for the voices growing in the “valley” – and in our city of Bergen.

It was about the joy of theatre, the experiences of the audience, the young talent, and the voices from the region that should also have an arena to step forward and be heard. We are extremely proud that some of those who started with us have gone on to become popular favorites on bigger stages; Marit Voldsether, Kirsti Elvik, Herborg Krakevik, Rene Marie J. Folgero, Vidar Magnussen, Storl Bjordal, and Leke Christine Moen to name a few.

The Villingsdalen Theater is a starting point for some and an enjoyable pastime for many others. Not only is the theater important for the audience that loves our shows, we are even more important if possible for the entertainment facilities in Villingsdalen.

Bergen Special Municipality Cultural maps have shown that the Villingsdalen area has weaker structures for amateur cultural life and volunteer work than the rest of the municipality – and we know why. First of all, because we lack space for cultural activities in Dalen – and it is then easy to use a fast and good connection to many offers in the center of Bergen.

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The tunnel through Løvstakken is in many ways a weak point for us, but with Bybanen to and from Oasen, we believe it is possible to turn the tide – and build our strong communities in the area. We are already doing a lot; Theater schools for all ages, more productions annually than ever before – and we have a number of talents from our environment who are now regular features at both DNS and Vestnorsk Teater – to name just a few.

We mean it We are truly an important representative of the whole culture – Bergen as we help recruit actors for stages all over our city – not just actors. We create a commitment to theater for those who want to be on stage – but also for all those who learn early about what the performing arts are all about.

A critical, quality-conscious audience is a great side effect of our work, which other cultural scenes in our city also benefit from. The Villingsdalen Theater helps, to some extent, to fill the rows of seats not only in its own theatre, but also, for example, in Den Nasjonale. “Both and” is what applies to our audience.

That's why we also create an outdoor stage in Fløien every year – and we're very happy that Bergen City Council decided to upgrade Fløysletten so we can play more theatre, under better conditions, to the delight of thousands of audiences. Who make the trip in June and July.

Now take Fyllingsdalen Theater begins its largest production ever: a new theater building.

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So we need help and support from everyone – including the municipality and the province.

We are working to develop the theater – and the cultural city of Bergen – but more than anything we want to contribute to the development of our region. By cooperating with the good forces in the local environment, we now have a very realistic opportunity to build a new and larger theater in Villingsdalen.

Thanks to the participants Children and young people who have a passion for theatre, thank you to the parents who gave us their talented and committed children, thank you to the audience who bought more tickets than we were able to sell, and not least thank you to all our volunteers and staff who stand around the clock to put everything in place before the stage curtain rises in Premiere day.

Without you, theater would not be able to perform as we do now.

We would like that Continuing to contribute to creating great experiences, close to Bebanen. Because we all hope that you will soon stop at Spielhaugen.

Then we need good will on the part of politicians, who must give us the opportunity to regulate the sphere of housing, trade and culture.

My prayer is that you land a role in the next chapter for Success Theater of Bergen West. To give priority to work through the zoning plan in Spelhaugen and to contribute whatever you can to the construction and operation. And that you will contribute to the development of theatrical offer in Velingsdalen in all the cultural plans that will be adopted in the next four years.

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Together we can make possible a new theater in Villingsdalen. Think of the support it will have for both the audience, the children, the actors and the city of Bergen – which we are all excited about.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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