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I’m eit Post in Aftenposten 47 mayors, infection control doctors and community doctors reach a general compromise with the health authorities’ Corona strategy.
“The corona spaghetti has become unbearable,” wrote lead author and chief medical officer of the Sunnfjord, Øystein Furnes.
He believes that the government does not sufficiently take into account that people will live with the epidemic for a long time, and that vaccination coverage is “very well”.
The post was written after the government presented it New national measures Where this was entered between the other counters and a midnight stop was introduced.
It is not the epidemic that hit us. Those are the procedures, Fornes tells NRK.
He points out that the stress has a significant burden on operations, not least with respect to sick leave.
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store (Labour) announced that new measures might be introduced, and that a new assessment would be made just before Christmas.
the reason is Increasing incidence in the population Uncertainty about omikron variable.
What Furness fears most now are more lockdowns and new rounds of infection tracing. It would be especially difficult to enter the pandemic for two years, he says, as “everyone who deals with it is very tired.”
– Are you afraid to collapse?
– Yes, I am very worried about that.
Poor planning
The mayor believes the massive shutdown is mainly due to a lack of extensive capacity and poor planning over time.
Furness claims health authorities shouldn’t be surprised by the increase in infections and new mutations, then It will reopen earlier this fall.
he is writing:
“We must begin a normal social life, and there is not much we can do to reduce the risks of the epidemic.”
– It does not have our clear communication and planning in peacetime. The city has strong voices in a state of war.
Get support
The mayor of Hammerfest is one of the many doctors behind the article’s content.
Sonni Schumacher now describes the day when many residents feel “a fear of infection”.
At the same time, she emphasized that COVID-19 is not the most stressful at the moment, as about 90 percent of the adult population has been vaccinated.
The main problem is that a quarter of infections “require a disproportionate amount of resources”.
New procedures contribute to increasing this burden on municipalities.
Measures that municipalities should implement during a pandemic include vaccination, testing, infection tracing, use of infection control equipment, and information delivery to residents.
People are afraid: Mayor Sonny Schumacher signed the post about what she believes is a lack of Corona strategy.
Photo: Eric Sornemo Bash/NRK
Askøy Mayor Kristin Kota Schoenberg believes it is time to start a discussion about how residents should live with coronavirus, one of many respiratory viruses.
It tests that people are now pretty much weary and tired of the various measures.
– We are vaccinating continuously in the municipalities now, so that more and more people get protection against serious diseases and death.
I understand the frustration
The Minister for Health and Care Services, Engfield Kjerkul (Labour), says she is “well aware that many are tired of infection control measures and restrictions”.
The government is concerned about being open about managing the epidemic and welcomes the discussion.
She points out that municipalities have been and continue to have our first line during the entire pandemic, and that the goal is to give municipalities leadership in a confusing situation.
When asked if she would listen to the doctors, she replied:
The government relies to a large extent on professional advice from the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, but we are responsive to all good input.
Defense measures: Health and Welfare Services Minister Ingfeld Kirkul (Labour) defends the new measures and tightening so that health services are not overburdened.
Photo: Ingrid Lindegaard Stranden
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