debate, population development | The space must be greater than a large space

debate, population development |  The space must be greater than a large space

boss This is a commander. The leader expresses the position of the newspaper.

– Projection It just says something about how things would be if it continued as before. There is plenty of room for change, says Statistics Norway researcher Storla Loken. He’s working with population statistics, and the agency’s latest projections confirm what we’ve seen in a few years: Many county municipalities are on a trend line with a declining population and an increasing proportion of seniors. It’s bleak, but not hopeless.

Challenges facing local communities Experiencing negative population development and significant change in population composition is evident. In Lom, the pharmacy offer is discounted because the pharmacist goes on maternity leave. It was not possible to find an alternative. This shows how vulnerable the community is today. It provides insight into what lies ahead at a time when it can be difficult to continue delivering important offerings in societies where there is generally a labor shortage. It shows how the challenges become more difficult as local work life lacks efficiency in important areas of service.

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Anyone who does not practice denial of reality I’ve seen this coming. A declining population, an increasing proportion of elderly people, and fewer people of working age. We have few hands and heads, and development is going in the wrong direction. We are lagging behind in developing a policy that reduces the weakness of the region’s municipalities.

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We must admit The reality that we are already in the middle of it, and these challenges will only increase. There must be a strong political focus on how to finance municipalities with fewer and fewer workers in order to be able to maintain important social welfare services. But it’s also important to talk about how to make counties appear as generous, open, and inclusive communities with plenty of room for more. Spacity must be more than we have a lot of space.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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