– Even a small candle is able to penetrate a dark room. Light always triumphs over darkness

– Even a small candle is able to penetrate a dark room.  Light always triumphs over darkness

It's hard to pick just one favorite verse in the Bible, because it contains so many treasures. However, I would like to highlight John 1:5: “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

It tells the message of the Bible in a different way. The verse talks about hope in dark times, and about what God has done for us through Jesus, through his death and resurrection for us.

What does light mean in the Bible?

In 3 John 8.12 Jesus says that: “I am the light of the world. And whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

God wants us to follow Him.

It is also stated in Psalm 119.105 that: “Your word has been a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

The light shows us the path we should take, and leads us to heaven. God wants us to follow Him. In the same way that the path is easier if it is illuminated, life on earth is better if you let God's light guide you.

We cannot see the challenges that await us on the road ahead of us, but God has promised to be with us, and to illuminate the path on which we step our feet.

We are not light in ourselves, but we are light because Jesus lives in us.

We are called to be light

The Gospel of Matthew 5, 14-16 says:

“You are the light of the world! It is not possible to hide a city located on a mountain. Do not light an oil lamp and put it under the vessel. No, put it on a stand, so that it gives light to everyone in the house. Thus let your light shine before men, so that they may see the good works that you do, and praise your Father who In the heavens!” (Matthew 5, 14-16)

God has appointed us to be a light to all nations. We must go out and bear witness of the light, and of all the good that Jesus has done for us. We are not light in ourselves, but rather we are light because Jesus lives in us and shines in us. We can reflect the good that comes from it.

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Light has triumphed over darkness

We have nothing to fear when Jesus is in our hearts. He already conquered darkness through His death on the cross and His resurrection again. Jesus was sent to earth so that all people would have the opportunity to go to heaven.

Even on difficult days, I can thank Jesus, because he is the light that conquered the power of darkness.

Darkness is the absence of light. Even a small candle is able to penetrate a dark room. Light always triumphs over darkness.

John 1:5 is very important to me, because it reminds me daily of the security that living with Jesus means. Even on difficult days, I can thank Jesus, because he is the light that conquered the power of darkness. He will lead us on the path to heaven.

Lightstock/Hakon Rydland

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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