Fewer people have correct identification – it’s harder to guess people’s ages – NRK Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Fewer people have correct identification – it’s harder to guess people’s ages – NRK Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– NRK reporter asks if you can guess my age.

– I would have asked you for an ID, but you … 24, answers the shop manager at Winmonopolet Valentinlist, Goud Skjold.

Skjold hit the nail on the head this time, but he says it’s not always easy to guess how old someone is.

– It’s very challenging and it’s also quite fun. You can try to guess yourself before you ask, and you also think: yes, that is very bad.

Below, you can guess how old someone is based on a picture. How many meals do you get?

A beard is not “sporty”.

Many police forces across the country have noticed an increase in the number of young customers who do not have proper identification with them in the past two years.

Last year, more than 15,000 customers were rejected because of age, nearly 27 percent more than in 2021. Many were rejected for lack of proper identification.

Because just guessing how old someone is is not enough.

Skjold, the store manager, says there is an internal rule that anyone under the age of 25 must show identification.

How would you react if someone asked you for your ID?

Elizabeth Hunter, Winmonopolet

If you’re under 25, you should show your leg without telling about it.

Photo: Ellen Johanne Jarley / WinMonopolet

Vinmonopolet’s managing director, Elizabeth Hunter, asks everyone under 25 to show identification.

– This means that the seats for minors can be blocked very easily. Keep in mind that you may be asked to show identification if you’re older — regardless of your beard growth and what clothes you’re wearing, Hunter says.

Eva Fossom, store manager of Extra Moholt, examines the driver's license of a reporter from NRK.

According to Eva Fossum at Coop Extra Moholt, it has become more difficult over time to see whether young people are old enough or not.

Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansson / NRK

Someone is offended

Extra Moholt’s store manager, Eva Fossum, backs Skjold’s success.

– It is very difficult. Many of the young people now look very old because they are made to look older than they are.

– What are the reactions when they “put”?

– Some young people are a little offended, people over 25 are mostly happy.

Skjold at Winmonopolet says it goes a little bit both ways.

– It’s clear that some people approaching 30 are getting a little tired of listening. Then we usually say, they should take it as a compliment, you have youth.

If there’s any doubt about how old you are (or how young you are), this is considered a valid sign in WinMonopolet:

  • Driver’s license (including moped driver’s license with photo and social security number)
  • Bank card with picture
  • Passport
  • National Identity Card
  • Security ID card
  • Foreigner’s passport
  • Travel document for refugees
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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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