For 500,000 years, the Flosspferde was created by Rom – created excavations as in the modern Nachweis Nilpferde in Europe

For 500,000 years, the Flosspferde was created by Rom – created excavations as in the modern Nachweis Nilpferde in Europe

Alien wanderers: In Rom fossils were discovered that existed as they did in the modern ältesten Zeugnisse Flusspferde in Europe. The new New Daterungen is another 560,000 to 460,000 years old and allows its new box to be changed in Britain’s total. Fossils confirm the assumption that the water-loving Dickhäuter migrated to Europe early and lived in the ausgehnten Seen- und Flusslandschaften. The first thing that happened in this prosperous country was to restore the flow of water to Europe, as it will do in the future.

Nowadays, hippos (Hippopotamus amphibius) live exclusively in the African savannah with rivers and lakes, but until 30 thousand years ago, hippos were still widespread throughout Europe. It is found among other countries in southwest Germany – by living in the stately country of European Boden Oosterben. All this is clear, would you want water to flow from Europe is beyond debate, would you want it to be located in Africa from Antarctica.

Fossil hippopotamus
The location is available for use © Micozzi et al., 2023/PLOS ONE/CC-by 4.0

Mysterious skull

One of the most important points of contention in the European river horse debate is a fossil skull from the Tor di Quinto area, north of Rome. This problem: 70 years later, it’s clear, and it’s actually real. There is no Manche of Wissenschaftler, as Steinbruch Cava Montanari is holding out, and others view Steinbruch Cava Nera Molinario as Verschreiblicheren Findort an. Von dort originates from any fossil from the Überreste von Rothirschen and the Europäischen Waldelefanten.

Dieses Hin und Her have finally led to the fact that the well-preserved Flusspferd-Schädel hardly provides a Beachtung gefunden hat, as it is a reconstruction of the Flusspferd-Verbreitung in Europe. Although according to Steinbrüche, this is likely, after another 560,000 years were created, 100,000 years were counted from the date change from British Barrington to the last European water flows. There must be a huge theory that must be launched from the depths of the sea before Europe begins earlier.

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Researchers on Beniamino Micozzi of Sapienza University in Rome have reopened the case about the Italian skull. Then when the fossil was restored in 2021, they found unsightly sedimentary remains inside, which could only have come from its original location. The sediments are analyzed by Mecozzi and Sine Kollegen, mainly with a guarantee of safety, the schedule is closed, and we also do it, as it is.

The Ergebnis: The Flussferd-Schädel fossil was anchored in Cava Montanari and fell there once 560,000 to 460,000 years ago, meaning the fossils were destroyed. “Das stelt das frühest einteigente Vorkommen Moderner Flusspferde in Europe dar,” wrote Micozzi and Colgin. Der Schädel is among the most recent times of having European flows and losing record of contributors from Britain’s total with Leichtigkeit ab. Sein Alter fits well with the previous theory of Flusspfer-Einwanderung.

Wasserlandschaft Voraussetzung War

More information has been verified and the Landschaft around Rome must be over half a million years old. “The modern flows are located in the area of ​​Maß auf das Prehandensein von Wasser angewiesen and are therefore an indicator of mild climatic conditions and mild winters,” said Micozzi and his team. “Then indicate the presence of water in the form of lakes, ponds or rivers.”

First, when the climate cooled and these bodies of water froze during the last ice age, the Flusverde people were forced out of Europe and have since come only to Africa. (PLOS ONE, 2023; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293405)

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Source: PLOS ONE

November 23, 2023 – Anna Manz

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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