Fornbow House of Culture | We need space – we need room

Fornbow House of Culture |  We need space – we need room

opinions This is the topic of discussion. The publication expresses the author’s opinions.

Then I also talk about outdoor spaces.

The incorporation of the “church plot” of Fornebu S and the adjacent plot of land, the latter of which is planned for housing within Health and Welfare. Then you get space for both the house and the air.

Yes – there are very expensive plots – but the price will also be very high if you miss this building that has been promised to the Fornebu community for so many years, which will house a lot and which will become a landmark of Fornebu.

Will he be a teacher? Because we hardly expect big sprinklers and architectural flashes from builders. Plus, we’ve already seen quite a few bugs – and developers may feel more comfortable with Safe Play.

Don’t build me up! Air and space which are not necessarily defined at a detailed level are also part of the building. Creates environment and luxury. The truth is that we are constantly evolving – and resilience has become a key word. Just look at how the office workplace has evolved over the past two or three years.

Meeting places are a key word. We need ‘downstairs rooms’ – rooms where young and old can meet friends and peers without an agenda. Fornebupiloten has already become a meeting place, in the five years since we established ourselves, but the organization is already struggling with space problems.

We must break the code – the symbol of well-being – if we can do this, we will gain a lot.

At Fornebulandet, we already see clear trends; Older people meet in fixed places – coffee shops and cafes – and young people gather where they are still welcome – whether it is in Fornebu S – or in Punkt. But the number of old and young will soon multiply fivefold.

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Unleash the Architects. Let’s challenge Europe’s most talented architects to a competition to design a building we can enjoy every day. Not only us who dine, but our children and grandchildren. Because this building will last for generations.

Just look at the Louvre. The glass pyramid at the entrance to one of the most beautiful castles in Europe. Contrasting to the point – but absolutely gorgeous. It has a large area underground.

It is important to decide what will go into the “house” and the functions it will perform, as an introduction to architects. But the packaging is at least as important as what’s inside the house.

What will be the “house” will be the result of what the other buildings on Flytårnet end up with. There are big plans here – and you’re on your way to finding solutions.

We need light – we need air, we need luxury. And luxury also depends on aesthetics. The view towards Kolsås from “The House” is already disappearing. Very well. Let’s take action before it’s too late.

We must break the code – the symbol of well-being – if we can do this, we will gain a lot.

Be aware that this home is something to look at, admire and wonder about – and perhaps be proud of as residents of Fornebulandet. for several years.

And then finally: Let’s name the house.

“Multi-purpose building with a church room” – talk about a hopeless name. Maybe we should actually announce a naming contest? Let users and residents give us our opinions and creative input.

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Until this is determined, we may briefly call it a working title; “the home”.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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