Halden Sports Divers News | -The last time we cleaned, we found trunks, a cart, and a cell phone

Halden Sports Divers News |  -The last time we cleaned, we found trunks, a cart, and a cell phone

-There sure is a lot of junk here. People are dumping everything they can along the quayside, says manager Atle Brevig at Halden Sportsdikerie. The club's commitment to a cleaner port is fantastic, and this time the event coincides with Haldendagen on 8 June.


– This is a collaborative project with the municipality of Halden, says Atli Brevig – and we actually believe that Halden Day on June 8 was a suitable date to do this. Then there are a lot of people in the city and then the people of Halden can see what the people of Halden are throwing into the port.

Previous cleanups have uncovered an astonishing array of objects that do not belong in the harbour.

– The last time we cleaned, we found tree trunks, a shopping cart, a mobile phone, regular telephone tubes, a lot of glass, bottles, shoes and boots, car tires, bicycles, a radio and many other strange things, says Brevig. .

All welcome

These clean-up works are important for the environment and to raise awareness among the city's residents. The Halden Sports Divers team is looking forward to contributing to a cleaner harbor and hopes their efforts will inspire more people to think about where they dump their waste.

The event starts at Indre Havn at 11.00, and all Halden residents and other interested parties are welcome to follow what is being brought from the depths of the sea.

Not only do the public get to see the amount of scrap that ends up at the dock, but they also get a chance to support an important environmental effort in their local area.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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