Halloween parties are out of control – VG

Halloween parties are out of control – VG

Tonight is a full party across the country. Two years after the epidemic, police in Inlandet say this year’s Halloween party may have gotten a little out of hand.

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Police are busy all over the country. Crazy drunk teenagers in costumes, house parties that get out of hand, vandalism and minors who need to be picked up by their parents.

“Many parents are needed – to deal with their hopes – to take them home”, writes the Sør-Öst police district on Twitter shortly before 11.30pm.

It is not only the party that has lost control. Oslo police report that more young people were drunk than usual on Saturday evening.

– There’s no doubt that many people are celebrating Halloween this weekend, says Atle Bernhaft van Obstfelder, Operations Manager at the Inland Police District.

They received warnings about several parties in the district, but had to go with three patrols to Strandbygda Community Center to stop a Halloween party.

200 youth and three adults in a community center. It had to go wrong.

– The party is announced in advance. We had lists of responsible adults, so everything was in the book. But since the adults were out of control, we chose to go out with three patrols,” says the operations manager.

Many of the participants were young.

– A 16-year-old boy ran away after breaking a window and cutting off his ear. The man returned and became aggressive towards our patrol. Bernhoft von Obstfelder says he was arrested.

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If the party is a little less than planned, the young people will go to bed a little earlier anyway.

– The operations manager says that would be fine.

In Bærum, police worked around 10pm to end a youth party that had gotten out of hand. On Saturday evening, the local police received information about the drunkenness of minors in several parts of the district. “Everything from house parties with highly intoxicated youths to vandalism on the street,” police reported on Twitter.

– Police operations manager Rune Hekkelstrand says the patrol describes several hundred youths roaming the area. messenger.

Hundreds of youths are roaming the area, police said on Twitter.

Police believe it would be “ideal” for parents who currently have youngsters in the area to bring them home.

Also in Randaberg, the police had to end parties, one in Endrestø/Viste hageby and two in Høye, attended by 150 young people. In both places, most were under 18 and drunk. Without adults. In both the places the party has now come to an end.

As the police write:

“The house is now vacated and locked.”

So someone has to clean up tomorrow.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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