Here the sisters meet for the last time

Here the sisters meet for the last time

Shirley Carolan turns 90 in December.

While she lives in Nevada, her sister Barbara Carolan (94) lives on the other side of the United States.

Due to their advanced age and health, and not least the pandemic, it has been impossible for them to visit each other for the past three years.

Barbara recently wrote that she decided to visit her sister for the last time Watchman.

At the time of writing, the touching reunion has been viewed a whopping 13 million times on TikTok.

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– It was really difficult

Barbara lives in a nursing home in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and because of her age is unable to travel alone.

So she was well helped by her son, Raymond Atkinson, and her granddaughter, Stephanie Shively, to visit her sister.

– The grandmother realized that she might not get another chance to hug her sister, Shively tells the local newspaper Seacoast online.

She says it wasn’t easy bringing the 94-year-old mother home from the nursing home.

– …but it was very difficult, she points out.

LANGT: The sisters live on opposite sides of the United States.  Image: Google

LANGT: The sisters live on opposite sides of the United States. Image: Google
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Not a single dry eye

On September 4, the trio began the long journey from Boston Logan International Airport, all the way to Nevada.

When the sisters finally met, according to Shively, there wasn’t a single dry eye in the room.

For six full days, the sisters enjoyed their time together, with good food and drink – and good conversation.

– They would often sit together and reminisce about the old days. “It was great to see,” Shively says.

– Brotherhood is precious

Shively filmed the reunion, then posted the video on TikTok.

“My 94-year-old grandmother visits her 90-year-old sister for the last time. Go hug your sister,” she wrote in a caption above the video.

In the video you can see the older sisters talking together.

– Shirley says: We’ll see each other again.

– Barbara says while crying: – We lived a great and wonderful life.

– If we never see each other again on this earth, we will see each other in heaven, says Shirley.

– Yes, of course, yes, of course, Barbara answers.

– Don’t say goodbye, Shirley says.

– I will not do. “There’s no way I’m going to say goodbye,” Barbara says.

– Until we meet again: Shirley says, that was it.

Ring the alarm: - I knew this day would come

Ring the alarm: – I knew this day would come

– Brotherhood is precious

Shively says she filmed the touching encounter because she has two daughters.

“I wanted to show them that life is short and that siblings are very precious,” she says and continues:

Siblings are your most precious gift. You should always stay in touch.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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