Hit and kill on the way from his wedding

Hit and kill on the way from his wedding
Hit and kill on the way from his wedding
Famous Love: Eric and Samantha Hutchinson, pictured shortly before the tragic accident.

Bride and groom Samantha and Eric Hutchinson celebrated their love. Minutes later, they were injured, and the police suspected drunk driving.


Bride Samantha Hutchinson was killed and groom Eric was seriously injured when the two left their wedding reception in Folly Beach, South Carolina on April 28, according to NBC.

According to the police, the golf cart the bride and groom were riding in was hit from behind, along with two others. The golf cart is said to have been thrown more than 90 meters after the accident.

A 25-year-old woman was arrested and charged with drink driving and negligent homicide.

It came by car at a speed of 104 kilometers per hour along District 40. The Associated Press wrote that it shows data taken from the car she was driving. I got on the brakes too late, and the tragedy was true. The golf cart the victims were driving was lit, and was driving legally on the stretch of road according to the Associated Press.

Eric Hutchinson’s mother, Annette, set up a fundraiser to cover the costs of her son’s hospitalization and her daughter-in-law’s funeral.

– I received Arik’s wedding ring in a plastic bag at the hospital, five hours after Samantha put his finger on and they announced their wedding vows. You write that Arik has lost the great love of his life.

She writes that her son has serious injuries and will need a long stay in the hospital.

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Employer Samantha Hutchinson, Inc XenTegrain mourning after receiving the sad news.

Samantha was an amazing person. In recent months, we’ve been lucky enough to share her joy as she plans her upcoming wedding. We will always remember Samantha’s smile, laughter and dedication to work, friends and family. Our deepest condolences to Samantha’s loved ones at this difficult time.


Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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