I broke my leg while recording “The 24-Star Christmas Calendar” – NRK Culture & Entertainment

I broke my leg while recording “The 24-Star Christmas Calendar” – NRK Culture & Entertainment

Couple dancing is not for the faint of heart. Just ask Chand Torsvik. He was kicked out while dancing with actor and comedian John Brongot.

-I couldn’t have had a better dance partner than John. I remember being very nervous, but I realized that here I just had to move in the “Brungut waltz,” Torsvik explains to NRK.

The rock singer from Namsos admits that he is not a natural dancer. He suffered it painfully in this dance competition, when he ended up breaking a bone in his foot.

– Full of shame

– I remember we took a note out of the box, and suddenly the dancing started. I don’t remember the dance itself, just that I heard a clicking sound in my feet when I landed on the ground.

Torsvik gritted his teeth and finished the dance, but soon felt that something was wrong with his leg.

Guilt suddenly came to Brongut’s dance partner when he realized what had happened to Torsvik. Prongott describes dancing with Chand as “dirty dance moves.”

– I am of course ashamed that Chand was limping during the entire recording.

But he believes the tenacious Trunder impressed greatly in subsequent competitions.

– Namsu’s eldest son is so tough that even with a huge obstacle, he was almost unbeatable in all challenges.

– But every day I saw him sitting in the corner with his feet up high, all I could think of was this verse from his own song: “Kunnæ go back in time and right all the wrongs…”

Torsvik ended up in the emergency room after the competition, and an X-ray showed a broken foot.

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Chand Torsvik received it all with a smile and thanked the other participants.

– I received tremendous care from others, who provided me with food and coffee between matches. I really appreciate it,” he says.

X-rays showed that Torsvik had fractured the top of his foot. But he dropped the cast, and had to walk with a stiff sole for the following months.

The boy rides in Tex’s Ferrari

During the recording period, Torsvik stayed at a hotel in Holmenkollen. Andreas “Tex” Haukland also stayed at the same hotel.

Torsvik was dependent on transportation to reach Frognerseteren where the program was taped. He got that from Tex. In his Ferrari.

Chand smiled widely at the side seat. Laughing, I think he broke his foot on purpose so he could ride with me.

But despite the Ferrari, Tex admits his car is not the most practical car in the world.

-I only had an extra seat, and there was only enough room for his crutches. Tex says a Ferrari isn’t the easiest car to transport someone.

The boys’ trips from Holmenkollen to Frognerseeteren provided many good conversations, and we have to believe the Ferrari driver himself.

Chand Torsvik and Andreas Haukland.

– The boys’ trips in the Ferrari were a ray of light during the day, says Andreas Haukeland.

Photo: private

– It’s amazing what the boys talk about on the boys’ car ride. We talked about Chand winning the X Factor, because at that time I was just a teenager dreaming of a music career. I grew up in a very different musical era than him, so there were nice conversations.

– Other than that, we talked a lot about how fast Ferrari can get to Frognerseteren, and how quickly it can handle the turns, he joked.

– The body gets used to it

For Torsvik, it was like a big bandage on the wound to be able to sit in the Ferrari to and from the taping.

– There was great pride at the Namsos wedding. Andreas is a great guy, so it was very nice to get to know him better.

His broken leg had to survive many competitions, and looking back, Torsvik believes he pushed himself too much.

– The body got used to it, but it was definitely worth it. It was a great experience. And I can say it like “things are going well now” with my feet.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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