Ingebjørg Bratland is celebrated every time we meet

Ingebjørg Bratland is celebrated every time we meet

Laughter, tears, music, and memories around the dinner table continue into the season every time we meet. Saturday is famous Ingeborg Bratlands (32) A day in the music program.

The 32-year-old from Venge is often associated with Telemark with his distinctive, impressive singing voice, and Old Norse folk and music. In her teens, she distinguished herself as a great talent in folk music, going to the top several times at Landskappleiken, the Norwegian folk music and dance championships.

Principal Guest: The artist Ingebjørg Bratland was complimented by other musicians on the third program of Hvergang vi møsets.  Photo: Ditlev Eidsmo/TV 2

Principal Guest: The artist Ingebjørg Bratland was complimented by other musicians on the third program of Hvergang vi møsets. Photo: Ditlev Eidsmo/TV 2

Bratland was exposed nationally when she sang the theme song to the NRK series Jul i svingen in 2006. The following year – at the age of 16 – she sang Den fyrste for King Harald the Immobile on his 70th birthday. She also distinguished herself when she sang “Til ungdommen” during the July 22nd Memorial Concert at Oslo Cathedral in 2011.

Two years later, the singing star received Spellemannsprisen with Odd Nordstoga for the debut album Heimafrå. This was followed by the hits “Fordi eg elskar deg”, “Ljos” and “Bror”, a hymn project with Espen Lind, a Hilmar Award and an Honorary Wenche Foss Award.

Vinjekvinnen has also made a name for herself as a live artist, touring extensively across the country. By 2022, her music has been streamed nearly 100 million times on various music services. In the same year, the 32-year-old gave his first concert, “Ei A Completely True Story”.

You’ve never heard of megahits like this before

What is your favorite song?

artist colleagues Bjorn Eidsvag (68)And Emma Steinbacken (19)And Isaac (23)And Freddy Callas (32)Caroline Kreuger (52) and Christian Christensen (30) interpret songs from the guest star catalog on Saturday’s episode.

Below you can judge the songs and give your own dice roll. You can also find songs on Spotify.

We see every time we meet Saturdays at 20.00 on TV 2 Direkte, and whenever you want tv 2 play.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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