Ingeborg Myhre opens up about celebrating Christmas

Ingeborg Myhre opens up about celebrating Christmas

Christmas has long traditions for many Norwegians. What you eat, where you celebrate and who you are with are usually decided before the Christmas season.

In the run-up to Christmas, Dagbladet will chat with well-known and loved celebrities in the column “Julekjappis”, where they will answer questions about everything from the worst Christmas present to how the economy affects this year's celebration.

About boyfriend's work: - Sleeps badly

About boyfriend's work: – Sleeps badly

The TV profile of Ingeborg Myhre (48) could be even higher Called “Lotto-Ingeborg”.Despite the fact that she Leave work Earlier this year. He was also seen in “Farmen kjendis” and hosts a regular podcast with Eli Kari Gjengedal (52).

Excavation: Emilie Enger Mehl is a guest on TV 2's Christmas calendar – and quickly finds the tone with host Asbjørn. Video: Red Runner/TV2 Play
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Christmas will be different this year for Maihar who will not be able to celebrate with her His chosen one is policeman Brian Skotnes. The couple confirmed their relationship a year and a half ago and celebrated their first Christmas together last year.

– My best Christmas memory is when we celebrated our first Christmas together. Then we stayed at my brother's place with my whole family – it was really nice.


Myhre also remembers her worst Christmas memory. It is from childhood.

- Embarrassing and humiliating

– Embarrassing and humiliating

– I was very afraid of Santa Claus. I was scared, it was absolutely terrifying. I remember my mother crying and screaming that Santa could be cancelled. The TV profile says I hid behind the screen:

– Previously, goblin masks were pretty hideous. I was absolutely obsessed that my brother had to accept my gifts.

Christmas Dance: Hugh Grant as the dancing Prime Minister in “Love Actually”. Correspondent: Marte Nilken Helseth
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Celebrating without a boyfriend

This year, as mentioned, Maihre will not be celebrating with her boyfriend. She goes with her family to her brother, while Skotnes goes to Mosjon.

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– I absolutely regret it, I think it's absolutely terrible. The best was when we celebrated together last year, it was so comfortable. He would have liked us to come with him to Mosjon, but this year we will stay here with my mother and my family, he continues.

- He's a fantastic bonus dad

– He's a fantastic bonus dad

According to Maiher, they would eventually spend every other Christmas together here and there.

– I am very Christmassy and crazy, so I look forward to Christmas very much.

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Special gift

He also reveals the best Christmas present he ever received. She also got it last year when she celebrated Christmas with her boyfriend for the first time.

– It's a ring from Brian. I was so happy, she revealed, pointing out that it was not an engagement ring, but a diamond ring.

– Worst gift I ever got from my mom. This is an absolutely terrible gift. I hope she won't be upset if I tell her, but that was when I was younger and thought I was going to get a designer bag, says Myhre.

Action taken: - Family is important

Action taken: – Family is important

However, according to the TV profile, it's “a lime green blazer in bubble fabric with bling bling buttons”.

– It's absolutely terrifying. I think it was a really big animal, but my mom bought it on sale. She was glowing and completely in love with that jacket, so she took it.

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Myhre and the family always ate ribs on Christmas Eve, and he admired his sister-in-law's cooking to no end.

– It's a good accompaniment, and it's always absolutely beautiful food.

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– What movie do you need to watch to get into the Christmas spirit?

– “Three Nuts for Cinderella” gives me the Christmas spirit all the time. Then I have to watch “Love Actually” and “Vacation”. I love those movies, she replied.

- Looking forward to a ring

– Looking forward to a ring

When asked if they have taken any action now that many are struggling financially, the TV profile replies that they have cut back on gifts.

– Children receive, but we adults cut it short and give each other small gifts. Then I was good at distributing the purchases for several months. Then there will not be so much financial impact in December. I bought gifts in advance and some are on sale, she explains.

Comedian and actor Henrik Schadvedt is best known for his role as the “morton-mosquito” in the Christmas calendar “Jul i Swingen”. This he does now. Video: NRK / Henrik Schadvedt / Red Runner
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Christmas birthday

Myhre can also reveal that it's not just Christmas Eve that she's looking forward to. His birthday is on Christmas Eve, and the day is celebrated to the fullest.

– I still feel like I'm always a Christmas present, she says with a laugh.

– I think it's better to celebrate a birthday on that day, I don't know anything else. When I was a kid, I got so excited because I got presents two days in a row.

- left dinner

– left dinner

Myhre has clarified that it is not his fault that he was born on December 23 and that is why he had to double the prizes.

– When I was young, I always celebrated Christmas Eve and children's birthdays in January. Now I have a big birthday on December 23 with bubbles and family and friends. Let's do it this year too.

– A lot of people say they come here to get into the Christmas spirit, and since it's a tradition, I'm looking forward to it.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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